Conceptualizing the Role of Societal Resilience in Countering Hybrid Warfare

Вид публикации:

Journal Article


Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 39, № 1, p.77-89 (2018)

Ключевые слова (Keywords):

Civil-Military Interoperability, Comprehensive approach, crisis management, disaster response, Hybrid threats, hybrid warfare, interagency cooperation, Risk reduction, Social Resilience, Societal Resilience


No single tool is available to counter the diversity and complexity of hybrid threats, examined by the authors as a as a military strategy that blends conventional war-fare, irregular warfare, and cyber warfare. The concept of hybrid warfare is used to describe the flexible and complex dynamics of the battlespace requiring a highly adaptable and resilient response. Reflecting on recent NATO policies and documents, this article looks into the importance of strengthening societal resilience, understood as the ability of a state, organization or society to absorb and recover from a shock.
