Security Environment

Security Environment

General description of security environment, comparative analysis, trends, data

Nonlethal Weapons and Intermediate Force: A Necessary Complement to Lethality

LeVine, Susan. "Nonlethal Weapons and Intermediate Force: A Necessary Complement to Lethality." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 2 (2022): 55-66.


The phrase nonlethal weapons often brings to mind capabilities such as bean bags, rubber bullets, pepper spray, and electric stun guns. These capabilities are used domestically by law enforcement and by the military, primarily for protection and security missions. Nonlethal weapons (NLW) technology, however, has advanced significantly over the past 20 years.

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A Changing Security Paradigm. New Roles for New Actors – The Russian Approach

Banasik, Mirosław. "A Changing Security Paradigm. New Roles for New Actors – The Russian Approach." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 4 (2016): 31-43.



In 2014, the Russian Federation conducted two separate phases of operations in Ukraine. Despite substantial differences in the objectives of and methods used within the operations, it is worth noting that their natures have much in common. Both operations were planned and conducted in accordance with the doctrine followed by Gerasimov and on the basis of the concept hybrid war­fare.
