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Vesselin Petkov
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National Cyber Security Strategy and 2013-2014 Action Plan
. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, 2013.
Official Gazette
., 2013.
Kaspersky Lab Identifies Operation ‘Red October,” an Advanced Cyber-Espionage Campaign Targeting Diplomatic and Government Institutions Worldwide
. Kaspersky Lab, 2013.
Red October Analysis Reveals Complex, Two-Stage Attack
. InfoSecurity, 2013.
Raywood, Dan
Red October Espionage Campaign Targets Governments and Organisations
SC Magazine
Gilmore, Gerry J.
DOD, Industry Address ‘Intense Challenge’ of Cyber Security
. US Department of Defence, 2011.
Schuurman, Marriët
NATO and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Time to Bring It Home
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
14, no. 3 (2015): 1-6.
Arostegui, J.D. Julie L.
Gender and the Security Sector: Towards a More Secure Future
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
14, no. 3 (2015): 7-30.
Holvikivi, Aiko
What Role for the Security Sector? An SSR Approach to Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
14, no. 3 (2015): 31-44.
Watson, Callum
Begging the Question: What Would a Men, Peace and Security Agenda Look Like?
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
14, no. 3 (2015): 45-60.
Kümmel, Gerhard
The Bundeswehr and Female Soldiers: The Integration of Women into the Armed Forces (2000–2015)
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
14, no. 3 (2015): 61-86.
Tomić, Ankica
Gender Mainstreaming of the Security Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina: From the Policy Papers to Reality
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
14, no. 3 (2015): 87-102.
Lackenbauer, Helené
, and
Richard Langlais
Review of the Practical Implications of UNSCR 1325 for the Conduct of NATO-led Operations and Missions
. Stockholm: Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI), 2013.
Wales Summit Declaration
., 2014.
Address at the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security
. Washington, D.C., 2014.
Bastick, Megan
, and
Tobie Whitman
A Women’s Guide to Security Sector Reform
. Washington, D.C.: The Institute for Inclusive Security and DCAF, 2013.
Bichetero, Veron¬ica Eragu
Women, Peace and Security: Practical Guidance on Using Law to Empower Women in Post-Conflict Systems
. Washington, D.C.: Women in International Security, 2014.
Department of Defense Implementation Guide for the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security
., 2013.
Oudraat, Chantal de Jonge
UNSCR 1325 – Conundrums and Opportunities
International Interactions
39 (2013): 615-616.
Gun Homicide and Violent Crime
. Pew Research Center’s Social and Demographic Trends, 2015.
Quast, Shelby
Justice Reform and Gender
." In
Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit
, 8. Geneva: DCAF, OSCE/ODIHR, UN-INSTRAW, 2008.
Garcia-Morena, Claudia
Multi-Country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence Against Women
. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2005.
Violence Against Women: Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Against Women
. World Health Organization, 2014.
Acheson, Ray
Money, Masculinities, and Militarism: Reaching Critical Will’s Work for Disarmament
." In
Gender and Militarism: Analyzing the Links to Strategize for Peace
, 15. The Hague: Women Peacemakers Program (WPP), 2014.
Gender and disarmament
. Reaching Critical Will, 2015.
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