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Vesselin Petkov
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Lis, Andrzej
Positive Organizational Behaviors as the Key Success Factors for Lessons Learned Systems: The Case of Military Organizations
Positive Management
3, no. 1 (2012): 82-93.
Lis, Andrzej
How to Strengthen Positive Organizational Behaviors Fostering Experiential Learning? The Case of Military Organizations
Journal of Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation
8, no. 4 (2012): 21-34.
Lis, Andrzej
Team Learning Through After Action Reviews
." In
Management of Entrepreneurship in a Knowledge Based Economy: The Issue of Knowledge and Intellectual Capital Management
. Cracow: Cracow University of Economics, 2015.
Andersson, Dennis
, and
Pär Eriksson
- Inter-Organisational Lessons Learned: Perspectives and Challenges
." In
2015 Annual Conference
. Rome, Italy: The International Emergency Management Society, 2015.
Weiss, Tomáš
Vnitřní a Vnější Bezpečnost v Evropské Unii. Měnící se Role Policie a Armády v Post-Moderním Státu
Fakulta Sociálních Věd, Institut mezinárodních studií
. Vol. Disertační práce. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2011.
Webber, Mark
NATO: The United States, Transformation and the War in Afghanistan
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations
11, no. 1 (2009).
Trujillo, Sarabeth K.
The Franco-American Alliance: The Steel Tariffs, Why the Iraq War Is Not A Deal–Breaker, & Why the Alliance Still Matters
." (2010).
Weiss, Tomáš
European Security Between the United Nations and the United States
." (2010).
HG, Ehrhart
Abschied vom Leitbild „Zivilmacht“? Konzepte zur EU-Sicherheitspolitik nach dem Irak-Krieg
." In
Neues Europa — alte EU?
. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2004.
Fuchsová, Anežka
Společné prvky vatikánské a americké zahraniční politiky po druhé světové válce: Mutual elements of the Vatican and American foreign policy after the Second world war
Filozofická fakulta
. Vol. Diplomová práce. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2015.
Ehrhart, Hans-Georg
Die EU und das Leitbild “Friedensmacht"
." In
Transatlantische Beziehungen: Sicherheit — Wirtschaft — Öffentlichkeit
. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Blank, Stephen
Natural allies?: regional security in Asia and prospects for Indo-American strategic cooperation
. DIANE Publishing, 2005.
Jin, Xi
Title: European Union Representation at the United Nations : Towards More Coherence after the Treaty of Lisbon
. Vol. Doctor. Universiteit Leiden, 2014.
O'Connor, Brendon
, and
Srdjan Vucetic
Another Mars–Venus divide? Why Australia said ‘yes’ and Canada said ‘non’ to involvement in the 2003 Iraq War
Australian Journal of International Affairs, Volume 64, 2010 - Issue 5
64, no. 5 (2010): 526-548.
Hadji-Janev, Metodi
, and
Stevan Aleksoski
Use of Force in Self-Defense Against Cyber-Attacks and the Shockwaves in the Legal Community: One more Reason for Holistic Legal Approach to Cyberspace
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
4, no. 14 (2013).
Yap, Gerald T.
When is a Hack an Attack? A Sovereign States Options if Attacked in Cyberspace: A Case Study of Estonia 2007
Research Report
. Alabama: Air Command And Staff College Air University Maxwell Air Force Base, 2009.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
. The New Phoenix, 2011.
Cropp, Marc U.
The Value of the German Concept of Leadership Development and Civic Education - Innere Fuehrung - in Counterinsurgency Operations
United States Marine Corps, Command and Staff College
. Vol. Master of Military Studies. Quantico, Virginia: Marine Corps University, 2009.
Lucić, Marko
Njemački Posebni Put (Sonderweg) u Civilnovojnim Odnosima: Opća Vojna Obveza i Koncept Unutarnjeg Rukovođenja (Innere Führung) Kao Demokratska Kontrola Oružanih Snaga?
12, no. 2 (2009): 81-92.
C. Fair, Christine
, and
Bryan Shepherd
Research Note, Who Supports Terrorism? Evidence from Fourteen Muslim Countries
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
29 (2006): 51-74.
Koseli, Mutlu
Poverty, Inequality & Terrorism Relationship in Turkey
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2006.
Groves, Adam
Discuss and Evaluate the Relationship between Poverty and Terrorism
E-International Relations
Kayaoglu, Mustafa
Terrorism and strain: An exploratory analysis of the impact that individual strain and negative affect have on violent behavior among trained Turkish Hezbollah members
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. University of North Texas, 2008.
Çağlar, Ü
Terror and Economy
IPAD/İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi
1, no. 1 (2014): 67-79.
Giles, John W.
Motivations and Misperceptions: An Abbreviated Guide to Why Individuals Join Islamic Fundamentalist Terror Organizations
. Amazon, 2012.
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