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Vesselin Petkov
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Tagarev, Todor
Key Issues in the Implementation of the EU Global Strategy and the Evolution of European Defence
CSDM Views
., 2018.
Ahmad, Abu Umar Faruq
Theory and Practice of Modern Islamic Finance: The Case Analysis from Australia
. Universal-Publishers, 2010.
Ahmad, Abu Umar Faruq
Law and Practice of Modern Islamic Finance in Australia,
School of Law
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Western Sydney, 2007.
Faruq, Abu Umar
Noor Mohammad Osmani
A.K.M Shahed
, and
Fazlul Karim
Developments in Islamic Legal Maxims and their Application to Financial Transactions
4th International Conference on Harmonisation of Civil law and Shari`ah
. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Attorney General’s chambers, 2009.
Ahmad, Abu Umar Faruq
Noor Mohammad Osmani
A. K. M. Shahed
, and
Mohd. Fazlul Karim
Shari'ah Maxims and their Implication on Modern Financial Transactions
Journal of Islamic economics, banking and finance
6, no. 3 (2010): 75-104.
Hamisan, Nur Saadah
, and
Nurdina Mohd Dahlan
The Debate on Anti-Woman Discourse in the Hadith Literature
Journal of Hadith Studies
2, no. 1 (2017).
Wahid, AH
Perbudakan dalam Pandangan Islam: Hadith and Sirah Nabawiyyah Textual and Contextual Studies
VIII, no. 2 (2015): 141-154.
Corman, Steven R.
Angela Trethewey
, and
Bud Goodall
A 21st Century Model for Communication in the Global War of Ideas
. Consortium for Strategic Communication, Arizona State University, 2007.
Braddock, Kurt H.
Fighting Words: The Persuasive Effect of Online Extremist Narratives on the Radicalization Process
. Vol. A Dissertation in Communication Arts and Sciences. The Pennsylvania State University, The Graduate School, College of the Liberal Arts , 2012.
Matesan, Ioana Emilia
The Dynamics of Violent Escalation and Deescalation: Explaining Change in Islamist Strategies in Egypt and Indonesia
. Syracuse University, 2014.
Brister, Paul D.
Ku Klux Rising: Toward an Understanding of American Right Wing Terrorist Campaigns
. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2011.
Богданов, Сергей Викто
Стратегические Коммуникации: Концептуальные Подходы и Модели для Государственного Управления
Государственное управление. Электронный вестникр
Roach, Alfred S.
Why Is The United States Losing The War Of Words In The Global War On Terror? Identifying Causes Of Failure In U.S. Communication Strategy
. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2010.
Barr, Andrew
, and
Alexandra Herfroy-Mischler
ISIL's Execution Videos: Audience Segmentation and Terrorist Communication in the Digital Age
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Halverson, Jeffry R.
Bennett R. Furlow
, and
Steven R. Corman
How Islamist Extremists Quote the Qur’an
., 2012.
Janssen, Niels
Jihadpropaganda op Sociale Media: Een Kwalitatief Onderzoek Naar de Strategische Inzet van Wreedheid en de Verheerlijking van de Jihad op Twitter
. Vol. Master Thesis New Media & Digital Culture. Universiteit Utrecht, 2015.
Caforio, Giuseppe
The Asymmetric Warfare: in Search of A Symmetry
Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution: Sociological Perspectives
Веселовский, Сергей Серге
Цели и идеологическое обоснование глобального терроризма
Вестник МГИМО Университета
Хасан, Джаббари Насир
Потенциал Ирана в Борьбе с Международным Терроризмом, Мир и Безопасность
Вестник РУДН. Серия: Международные отношения
16, no. 4 (2016): 665-676.
Aggour, Lora S.
The Strategy of Containment
Fightingр Terrorism; Strategic
7, no. 4 (2008).
Насир, Хасан Джабб
Политический Ислам, Терроризм и Безопасность на Ближнем Востокер
Вестник МГИМО-Университета
5, no. 56 (2017): 183-198.
W. Castan, James
Robertson Dickens
Thomas Rowley
Erik Smith
Rosemary Lark
, and
George Thompson
Recruitment and Radicalization of School-Aged Youth by International Terrorist Groups
Final Report, HSI Publication Number: RP08-37-01 (, 2009).
Arlington, VA: Homeland Security Institute, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, 2009.
Holman, Joanna
, and
Dharmalingam Arunachalam
Representing harmony and diversity: media representations of multiculturalism and ethnicity in Singapore
Asian Ethnicity
16, no. 4 (2015): 498-515.
Mathews, Mathew
, and
Danielle Hong
Keeping Harmony in Singapore: An Examination of the Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles (IRCCS) in Singapore
." In
Managing Diversity In Singapore: Policies And Prospects
, 65-84. London: Imperial College Press and World Scientific, 2016.
Marshallsay, Zaniah
National Security, State-Society Relations and Muslim Minorities in Thailand and Singapore Post-September 11
." In
Australian Political Studies Association Conference
. Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
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