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Vesselin Petkov
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Teijgeler, René
Archaeologist under Pressure: Neutral or Cooperative in Wartime
." In
Cultural Heritage, Ethics, and the Military
., 2011.
Maiangwa, Benjamin
Jihadism in West Africa: Adopting a Three-Dimensional Approach to Counterterrorism
Journal of Peacebuilding & Development
2, no. 3 (2014): 17-32.
Jaïr van der Lijn, Comprehensive approaches, diverse coherences: the different levels of policy coherence in the Dutch 3D approach in Afghanistan
Small Wars & Insurgencies
26, no. 1 (2015): 72-89.
van den Homberg, Marc
Reinout Pieneman
, and
Judith van de Kuijt
Effectiveness of a Multi-Stage Networked Organisation for Early Integration of Multiple Perspectives on Emerging and Future Crises
., 2014.
Seminare, Jayne
Docherty & Leonard Lira, Adapting to the Adaptive: How Can We Teach Negotiation for Wicked Problems?
" In
Educating Negotiators for a Connected World
., 2013.
Fitzgerald, Ronald J.
The Canadian Strategic Advisory Team to Afghanistan: A Possible Model for a Multinational Whole of Government Approach to Defeating an Insurgency
School of Advanced Military Studies
. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2009.
Rusten, Semming G.
The Role of the Military Construction Engineers in the Hybrid War
. Vol. Master of Military Art and Science. U.S. Army, Command and General Staff College, 2015.
Garon, R
La Coopération civilo-militaire (COCIM), le processus clé de la politique des" 3D"
. Institut de la Conférence des Associations de Défense, 2010.
van den Homberg, M
R Pieneman
, and
J van de Kuijt
Effectiveness of a Multi-Stage Collaboration Network for Early Integration of Multiple Perspectives on Emerging and Future Crises
., 2012.
Mabera, Faith
The Peacemaking-Peacebuilding-Development Africa's Peace Diplomacy and Development Agenda
Strategic Review for Southern Africa, Vol 38, No 2, 2016
38, no. 2 (2016).
Seebass, Frauke
'Networking peace' Comprehensive strategies for sustainable conflict management in a complex security environment - the German approach
Human Geography Conflict, Territories and Identities
. Vol. Master. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2017.
Jansen, Marenne Mei
, and
Eric Hans Kramer
The Double Bind; an analysis of the comprehensive approach on an operational, institutional and conceptual level
., 2016.
Piters, Hanneke
Law of war: a law at war?
" In
The Law of the Future
, 55-94. Maastricht University, 2011.
van der Lijn, Jaïr
3D ‘The Next Generation’ Lessons learned from Uruzgan for future operations
. Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, 2013.
Bol, N
Dutch 3D Approach
., 2013.
Werner, Andreas
NGOs in Foreign Policy: Security Governance in Germany and the Netherlands, Waxmann Verlag
., 2016.
van de Kuijt, Judith
The comprehensive approach and NGOs: coherence and its effects on dealing with dilemmas and differences: The cases of Denmark, UK and the Netherlands in Afghanistan
Faculty of Social Science
. Vol. Master. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2013.
Madani, Amir
, and
Germano Dottori
Afghanistan: crisi regionale, problema globale
. CLUEB, 2011.
Simoneau, ME
La raison d'être des Forces canadiennes suite à l'Afghanistan
., 2008.
Leyde, Philipp F.
NATO’s Partnerships: Initiatives, Institutions, and Ideas
. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2016.
Grytsenko, A
NATO's Advanced Partnership with Ukraine. Cooperation Without Guarantees
., 2011.
Söhret, Mesut
Enerjđ Güvenlđğđ Kapsaminda Nato’nun Ortadoğu Polđtđkasi
." In
International Energy and Security Congress that took place at Kocaeli University
. Turkey: Kocaeli University, 2014.
Brusca, Carol S.
Palermo Protocol: The First Ten Years after Adoption
Global Security Studies
2, no. 3 (2011).
Allais, Carol
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by un Peacekeepers: The Psychosocial Context of Behaviour Change, Scientia Militaria
South African Journal of Military Studies
39, no. 1 (2011): 1-15.
Ahmed, I
PM Mugo
TL Advisory
, and
A Ismail
Somalia-Sexual Violence in Mogadishu: Ending Impunity is Far From Reality–Research
." In
Femicide Targeting of Women in Conflict a Global Issue that Demands Action
. Vol. III., 2015.
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