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Vesselin Petkov
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Mednikarov, Boyan
Kalin Kalinov
, and
Nedko Dimitrov
Transforming Maritime Education: Local Decisions in Global Perspective
11th Annual General Assembly of IAMU
. Busan, Corea, 2010.
Tolk, Andreas
Terms and Application Domains
." In
Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation
. Wiley Online Library , 2012.
Hartley, D.
, and
L. Lacy
Creating the foundations for modeling irregular warfare
." In
Advances in Design for Cross-Cultural Activities Part II
. Taylor & Francis, 2013.
Chen, Ya-Zhou
, and
Peng Zhang
Modeling and Simulation Oriented to the Multi-Military Mission of U.S. Army (美军面向多样化军事任务的建模仿真研究)
Journal of Command And Control
4, no. 2 (2018).
Hagmann, Jonas
, and
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
National risk registers: Security scientism and the propagation of permanent insecurity
Security Dialogue
43, no. 79 (2012).
Pruyt, Erik
Using Small Models for Big Issues: Exploratory System Dynamics Modelling and Analysis for Insightful Crisis Management
18th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
. Seoul, Korea, 2010.
Zsifkovits, Martin
Silja Meyer-Nieberg
, and
Stefan Pickl
Operations Research for Risk Management in Strategic Foresight
3, no. 2 (2015).
Nunes-Vaz, Rick
Steven Lord
, and
Daniel Bilusich
From Strategic Security Risks to National Capability Priorities
Security Challenges
10, no. 3 (2014): 23-50.
Tatalović, Siniša
Treba li Hrvatskoj nova strategija nacionalne sigurnosti
Političke analize
2, no. 6 (2011).
Giegerich, Bastian
, and
Alexandra Jonas
Auf der Suche nach best practice? Die Entstehung nationaler Sicherheitsstrategien im internationalen Vergleich
Security and Peace
3, no. 30 (2012): 129-183.
Brönnimann, Gabriel
Thomas Gartmann
Jennifer Giroux
Manuel Suter
, and
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Using scenarios to assess risks examining trends in the public sector
., 2011.
Camprubí, Alejandra Eugenia To
Climate change and international security: revealing new challenges to the continuation of Pacific Islands' Statehood
Departamento de Derecho Público y Filosofía Jurídica
. Vol. Doctor. UAM, 2014.
Schat-Eppers, Nicolai
Strategy or No Strategy: Explaining the Absence of a Danish National Security Strategy
. Vol. Master's thesis. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2013.
Tarvainen, Tiina
Muuttuva turvallisuusympäristö ja puolustuskyky–vertailua läntisten strategiadokumenttien kautta
., 2012.
Marczuk, Karina Paulina
Koncepcje bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego małych państw „starej” Unii Europejskiej na przykładzie członków Beneluksu
Kwartalnik Naukowy OAP UW "e-Politikon"
8 (2013): 44-73 .
Минчев, Златогор
Георги Дуков
, and
Ирена Николова
Анализ на човешкия фактор при виртуални компютърно подпомагани учения за извънредни ситуации
. Институт Джордж Маршал, 2009.
Korkmazyürek, Haluk
Stratejik savunma yönetimi: temel kavramları ve esasları
. Hiperyayin, 2018.
Najgebauer, Andrzej
Ryszard Antkiewicz
Dariusz Pierzchała
, and
Jarosław Rulka
Computer Based Methods and Tools for Armed Forces Structure Optimization
ISAT 2018: Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 39th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2018
. Vol. 853. Springer, Cham, 2019.
Najgebauer, Andrzej
Ryszard Antkiewicz
Dariusz Pierzchała
, and
Jarosław Rulka
Computer Based Methods and Tools for Armed Forces Structure Optimization
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 39th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2018 - Part II
. Vol. 653. Springer, 2019.
Setzekorn, Eric
Military Reform in Taiwan: The Lafayette Scandal, National Defense Law and All-Volunteer Force
American Journal of Chinese Studies
21, no. 1 (2014): 7-19 .
Mohamed, Nada R.
Examining the Relationship between Organizational Culture, Global Mindset, and Team Effectiveness in American Global Corporations
. Vol. Dissertation. Northcentral University, 2012.
Fitzgibbons, Kevin A.
The Relation Between Toxic Leadership and Organizational Climate: An Investigation Into the Existence of Toxic Leadership Within an Organization and the Effects Those Toxic Elements Have on Organizational Climate
. Vol. Dissertation. Indiana Institute of Technology, 2018.
Mo, John P. T.
, and
Martin D. Hilton
Architectural design for integrated support of complex engineering projects
Journal of Aerospace Operations
(2017): 1-18.
Prezelj, Iztok
Erik Kopač
Janja Vuga
Aleš Žiberna
Anja Kolak
, and
Anton Grizold
Military Transformation as Perceived by Experts
The Journal of Slavic Military Studies
28, no. 1 (2015).
Prezelj, Iztok
Erik Kopač
Aleš Žiberna
Anja Kolak
, and
Anton Grizold
Quantitative monitoring of military transformation in the period 1992–2010: Do the protagonists of transformation really change more than other countries?
Defence Studies Volume
16, no. 1 (2016): 20-46.
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