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Vesselin Petkov
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Duchek, Jan
Zpravodajské služby při tvorbě a realizaci bezpečnostní politiky [Security Services in the Development and Implementation of Security Policy]
Vojenské rozhledy [Czech Military Review]
1 (2005).
Černý, Oldřich
Pár poznámek k problematice zpravodajských služeb v ČR
. Europeum Institut pro evropskou politiku, 2008.
Cibula, Igor
Zmeny v spravodajských službách po skončení studenej vojny, resp. skončení bipolárního usporiadania světa
Zmeny v spravodajských službách. Collection of contributions from a conferece in Bratislava.
Bratislava: BVŠP-ABSD, 2008.
Masten, Ann S.
Ordinary Magic: Resilience Processes in Development
American Psychologist
56, no. 3 (2001): 227-238.
Ungar, Michael
Mehdi Ghazinour
, and
Jörg Richter
Annual Research Review: What is Resilience within the Social Ecology of Human Development?
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
54, no. 4 (2013): 348-366.
Schilling, Tammy A.
An Examination of Resilience Processes in Context: The Case of Tasha
Urban Review
40, no. 3 (2008): 296-316.
Alston, Margaret
Women and Climate Change in Bangladesh
. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
Schmitt, Michael N.
Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations
. Second edition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
G. Davis, Doug
, and
Michael O. Slobodchikoff
Cultural Imperialism and the Decline of the Liberal Order: Russian and Western Soft Power in Eastern Europe
. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018.
van Uhm, Daan
Wildlife trafficking and criminogenic asymmetries in a globalised world
., 2016.
Riotto, Angela M.
Teaching the Army Virtual Learning Tools to Train and Educate Twenty-First-Century Soldiers
Military Review
Hendricks, Mohamed Natheem
Expertise, Epistemes and the Construction of a Suspect Community
." In
Manufacturing Terrorism in Africa
, 93-136. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Saleem, Nageen
Areeba Rahman
Muhammad Rizwan
Shahid Naseem
, and
Fahad Ahmad
Enhancing Security of Android Operating System Based Phones using Quantum Key Distribution
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems
., 2020.
Bozhilova, Maya
Yantsislav Yanakiev
Nikolai Stoianov
, and
Dimitar Stoyanov
An approach for prioritisation of national interests of the EU Member States
3, no. 4: 55-83.
Hatzivasilis, George
Sotiris Ioannidis
Michail Smyrlis
George Spanoudakis
Fulvio Frati
Ludger Goeke
Torsten Hildebrandt
George Tsakirakis
Fotis Oikonomou
George Leftheriotis
et al.
Modern Aspects of Cyber-Security Training and Continuous Adaptation of Programmes to Trainees
Applied Sciences
10, no. 5702 (2020).
Mygal, Galyna
, and
Valeriy Mygal
Cognitive and Ergonomic Aspects Human Interactions with a Computer
Радіоелектронні І Комп’ютерні Системи
1, no. 93 (2020).
Mygal, Galyna
, and
Valeriy Mygal
Полідисциплінарний підхід до інженерії людського чинника
Комунальне господарство міст
., 2020.
Mygal, Valeriy
Ihor Klymenko
, and
Galyna Mygal
3D-Modeling of the Dynamics of Real Processes of Different Nature
." In
ntegrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2020. ICTM 2020
., 2020.
Mygal, Galyna
, and
Valeriy Mygal
The viability of dynamic systems in difficult conditions: cognitive aspects
2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT)
. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020.
Kanwal, Nadia
Mamoona Naveed Asghar
Mohammad Samar Ansari
Martin Fleury
Brian Lee
, and
Marco Herbs
Preserving chain-of-evidence in surveillance videos for authentication and trust-enabled sharing
IEEE Access
8 (2020): 153413-153424.
Pöyhönen, Jouni
Jyri Rajamäki
Harri Ruoslahti
, and
Martti Lehto
Cyber Situational Awareness in Critical Infrastructure Protection
Disaster Risk Sciences
3, no. 1 (2020).
Tagarev, Todor
Governance of Collaborative Networked Organisations: Stakeholder Requirements
IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT)
. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020.
Dotsenko, Sergiy
Herman Fesenko
Oleg Illiashenko
Vyacheslav Kharchenko
Valentin Moiseenko
, and
Liudmyla Yermolenko
Integration of Security, Functional and Ecology Safety Management Systems: Concept and Industrial Case
." In
2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT)
. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020.
Kharchenko, Vyacheslav
, and
M. Yastrebenetsky
Безпека АЕС і велика безпека за часів коронавірусу
Безпека АЕС і велика безпека за часів коронавірусу
3, no. 87 (2020).
Kanter-Ramirez, Christopher A.
Josue A. Lopez-Leyva
Lucia Beltran-Rocha
, and
Dominica Ferková
Framework for the Optimal Design of an Information System to Diagnostic the Enterprise Security Level and Management the Information Risk Based on ISO/IEC-27001
International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science
., 2020.
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