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Vesselin Petkov
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Τασσόπουλος, Ηλίας
Fire early warning system
., 2018.
Shrestha, Deepanjal
Tan Wenan
Bikram Adhikari
Deepmala Shrestha
Adesh Khadka
, and
Seung Ryul Jeong
Design and analysis of mobile based tourism security application: Concepts, artifacts and challenges
., 2018.
Hong, Y.S.
, and
H.W. Goo
A fault-tolerant scheduling scheme for hybrid tasks in distributed real-time systems
." In
Third IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS'05)
. Seattle, WA, USA, 2005.
Gerlich, Ralf
, and
Christian R. Prause
Optimizing the Parameters of an Evolutionary Algorithm for Fuzzing and Test Data Generation
2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW)
. Porto, Portugal, Portugal, 2020.
Trushlyakov, Valeriy I.
Vladislav A. Urbansky
, and
Vadim V. Yudintsev
Reducing Environmental Damage After Emergency Engine Cutoff of the Launch Vehicle
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Drozd, Oleksandr
Viktor Antoniuk
Svetlana Antoshchuk
, and
Myroslav Drozd
A Method of Common Signal Monitoring in FPGA-Based Components of Safety-Related Systems
." In
CMIS, 2019
., 2019.
Wassyng, Alan
Mark S. Lawford
, and
Thomas S. E. Maibaum
Software certification experience in the canadian nuclear industry: lessons for the future
Software certification experience in the canadian nuclear industry: lessons for the future
., 2011.
Сивко, Б.В.
Методика доказательства безопасности программного обеспечения микропроцессрных систем железнодорожной автоматики
., 2014.
Deng, Chang Jian
Hong Yang Hu
, and
Jian Zhong Ling
Software Test of Wireless Vibration Nodes of Nuclear Power Plants
." In
Applied Mechanics and Materials
. Vol. 336-338., 2013.
Odarushchenko, Oleg
, and
Elena Odarushchenko
Tool-Based Assessment of Reactor Trip Systems Availability and Safety Using Markov Modeling
." In
Cyber Security and Safety of Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
., 2020.
Gurevich, Yuri
, and
Saharon Shelah
Fixed-point extensions of first-order logic
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
32 (1986): 265-280.
Валід, Аль-Хафаджі Ахмед
Розроблення методики PSMECA аналізу при застосуванні IoT компонентів у системах фізичної безпеки
Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи
3 (2018): 63-73.
Валід, Аль-Хафаджі Ахмед
Розроблення методики PSMECA аналізу при застосуванні IoT компонентів у системах фізичної безпеки
Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи
3 (2018): 63-73.
Аль-Хафаджі, Ахмед Валід
Олександр Олекс Соловйов
Дмитро Дмитр Узун
, and
Вячеслав Сергі Харченко
Asset Access Risk Analysis Method in the Physical Protection Systems
Radioelectronic and computer systems
4 (2019).
Bertolino, Antonia
Guglielmo De Angelis
Micael Gallego
Boni García
Francisco Gortázar
Francesca Lonetti
, and
Eda Marchetti
A Systematic Review on Cloud Testing
Systematic Review on Cloud Testing
52, no. 5A (2019).
Janani, V.
, and
K. Krishnamoorty
Cloud Testing as a Service (CTaaS) – Analysis, Design and Implementation
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
10, no. 12 (2015): 30393-30405.
Starov, O.
, and
S. Vilkomir
Cloud Services and Tools for Mobile Testing
Радіоелектронні i Комп’ютерні Системи
, no. 64 (2013).
Yao, Jia
Babak Maleki Shoja
, and
Nasseh Tabrizi
An Overview of Cloud Computing Testing Research
." In
International Conference on Cloud Computing – CLOUD 2019
., 2019.
Bertolino, Antonia
Antonello Calabrò
Eda Marchetti
Anton Cervantes Sala
Guiomar Tuñón de Hita
Ilie Daniel Ghe Pop
, and
Varun Gowtham
Cloud testing automation: industrial needs and ElasTest response
IET Software
14, no. 5 (2020).
Malik, Manoj Kumar
Host Fault Injection Using Various Distribution Functions
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing
9, no. 12 (2020).
Rodríguez, Emmanuel Guzmán
Enrique Medina Sánchez
, and
Ángel Ojeda Castro
Users Perception on the Public Cloud Security Risk and Data Monetization
International Journal of Information Research and Review
04, no. 01 (2017): 3511-3516.
Malhotra, R.
, and
P. Jain
Novel Testing Tools for a Cloud Computing Environment- A Review
., 2013.
Военная доктрина Республики Болгария
одобренная Национальным собранием, Государственная газета
., 1999.
Mathewson, Andro
Modernizing the Bulgarian Military: Not Those Drones
CSDM Views
., 2021.
Defence Ministry signs 50M leva contract with Bulgarian firm for 98 armoured vehicles
. The Sofia Globe, 2020.
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