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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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Pfeifer, Tomáš
Kurdská menšina a Strana spravedlnosti a rozvoje Turecka: Příčiny sekuritizace “kurdské otázky”
. Vol. Diplomová práce. Praha: Vysoká škola CEVRO Institut, 2020.
Ivanchenko, Oleg
Eugene Brezhniev
Ihor Kliushnikov
, and
Boris Moroz
Cloud Simulation and Virtualization for Testing of Critical Energy Infrastructure Components
International Journal of Computing
20, no. 1 (2021): 119-128.
Tso, Chen-Dong
Five. Digital Media and the Transformation of Politics in Taiwan
." In
New Challenges for Maturing Democracies in Korea and Taiwan
. Stanford University Press , 2014.
Thom, Jay
Yash Shah
, and
Shamik Sengupta
Correlation of Cyber Threat Intelligence Data Across Global Honeypots
2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)
. NV, USA: IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021.
Fachrie, Muhammad
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Universitas Riau Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Pekanbaru
Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik
. Universitas Riau Pekanbaru , 2013.
Shen, Yeming
Thomas C. Sharkey
Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, and
William Wallacea
Interdicting Interdependent Contraband Smuggling, Money and Money Laundering Networks
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Di Martino, Luigi
Fear and empathy in international relations: Diplomacy, cyber engagement and Australian foreign policy
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Meacham, Lisa
Security Theater: A Phenomenological Study of How Individuals Experience Passenger Screening Canines
Department of Doctoral Studies
. Vol. Doctor of Computer Science. Colorado Technical University, 2021.
Beveridge, Robert
Efficacy of Increasing Realism in Cybersecurity Training
. Vol. Ph.D. Robert Morris University, 2021.
Drozd, Oleksandr
Olena Ivanova
Kostiantyn Zashcholkin
Vitaliy Romankevich
, and
Julia Drozd
Checkability Important for Fail-Safety of FPGA-based Components in Critical Systems
IntelITSIS’2021: 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security
. Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, 2021.
Bandara, Indra
Chitra Balakrishna
, and
F. Ioras
The Need For Cyber Threat Intelligence For Distance Learning Providers And Online Learning Systems
2021 INTED2021 Proceedings
., 2021.
Nussbaum, Brian
, and
Jeffery Ernest Doherty
Italy’s Guardia di Finanza: policing financial crime and domestic security in a changing world
Journal of Financial Crime
Phillips, Peter J.
, and
Gabriela Pohl
Countering Intelligence Algorithms: Decision Theory, Design Choices and Counter-AI
The RUSI Journal
165, no. 7 (2020).
Kybartaitė, Kristina
Komunikacijos modelių pritaikymas dezinformacijos tyrimui: AIDS ir COVID-19 atvejų palyginimas
Tarptautinių Santykių Ir Politikos Mokslų Institutas, Politikos Ir Medijų Magistro Programa
. Vol. Magistro Darbas. Vilnius: Vilniaus Universitetas, 2021.
Tagarev, T
Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience of Modern Societies
. Springer Nature, 2021.
Landry, Julien
Whats in a think tanks mix of interventions? Plugging into politics and policymaking in Canadas knowledge regime
." In
Handbook on Think Tanks in Public Policy
., 2021.
Hussain, Abid
Abdus Salam
Muhammad Ibrahim
, and
Zeeshan Khan
Research Output of Area Studies Center, for Russia, China and Central Asia, Pakistan; A Bibliometric Analyses of MPhil and PhD Research work of Last Thirty Eight Years
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
5037 (2021).
Martína, Diana Plaza
Eduardo Sebastián
, and
Alarcón Hernández
The ‘Greater Hungary’ and the EURO 2020. Sports diplomacy of an illiberal state
Soccer & Society
Martin, Sergio
Teaching and Learning Advances on Sensors for IoT
. MDPI, 2021.
Chen, Jing
Huangyi Ge
Ninghui Li
, and
Robert W. Proctor
What I Say Means What I Do: Risk Concerns and Mobile Application-Selection Behaviors
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Pandey, Mayank
Rachit Agarwal
Sandeep K. Shukla
, and
Nishchal K. Verma
Security of Healthcare Data Using Blockchains: A Survey
arXiv:2103.12326 [cs.CR]
Avdan, Nazli
, and
Mariya Omelicheva
Human Trafficking-Terrorism Nexus: When Violent Non-State Actors Engage in the Modern-Day Slavery
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Chadwick, Christina Marilla St
Germany's dependence debate: A systematic analysis of the impact of Russian natural gas import dependence
Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
. Vol. Doctor of philosophy. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas State University , 2021.
Iliev, Rosen
Generalized Net Model of the Water Resources Assessment Process and Water Use Management
Information & Security: An International Journal
. Vol. 49., 2021.
Mishra, Binaya K.
Pankaj Kumar
Chitresh Saraswat
hamik Chakraborty
, and
Arjun Gautam
Water Security in a Changing Environment: Concept, Challenges and Solutions
13, no. 4 (2021): 490.
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On Inequalities Bounding Imprecision and Nonspecificity Measures of Uncertainty
On the Effectiveness of Measures of Uncertainty of Basic Belief Assignments
Blockchain in Agriculture
Multi-UAV Mission Planning for Monitoring Critical Infrastructures Considering Failures and Cyberattacks
A Hybrid Intrusion Detection with Decision Tree for Feature Selection
European Conflict Analysis Project (ECAP)
Generalized Net Model of the Water Resources Assessment Process and Water Use Management
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Nanotechnology and Global Security
Nanotechnology and Global Security
How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
Hybrid War: High-tech, Information and Cyber Conflicts
The Age of Post-Truth: State Influence and Strategic Communication - Contemporary Security Challenges on Europe’s Eastern Flank:
How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
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The Winter 2020 issue of Connections
The Summer-Fall 2018 issue of Connections
The Winter 2018 issue of Connections
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