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Vesselin Petkov
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Rana, Abhisekh
Hamdi Kavak
Andrew Crooks
Sean Luke
Carlotta Domeniconi
, and
Jim Jones
Mitigation of Optimized Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Disruptions by Criminal Agents
International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation
., 2022.
Alkan, Erkan
Birleşik Krallığın dış politikasında yumuşak güç aracı olarak burs programları
. Vol. masterThesis. Batman: Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2022.
Spasic, A. J.
D. S. Jankovic
P. J. Rajkovic
, and
D. S. Aleksic
Programme-Sensitive Modifications of Generalized Net Model of Software-Intensive Production of Stereoscopic Multimedia Content
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
61 (2022): 824-842.
Альперт, Софія Іоган
Новітній підхід до застосування теорії дезера – смарандаке при класифікуванні емляного покриву під час проведення дистанційного зондування із використанням безпілотних літальних апаратів
Управління розвитком складних систем
49 (2022).
Feriz, Larisa
"Duboki" i "mračni" internet
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
. University of Zagreb, 2022.
Hoyte, Trudee
Anil Ali
, and
Adilah Mahabir
A Preliminary Study Investigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Dental Education in the Caribbean: A Student’s Perspective
2 (2022): 251-262.
Belletti, Federico
Las operaciones de ciberguerra y su contribución al logro de los objetivos del nivel operacional: caso de estudio el accionar de Rusia contra Ucrania
. Argentina: Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2021.
Chambers, Michael David
Exploring the Standards Cybersecurity Practitioners Need to Comply with Multinational Cybersecurity Requirements
. Vol. Doctor of Computer Science. Colorado Technical University, 2022.
Narankotuwa, Kusal Madusanka
Effects on Perceived Productivity for Remote Workplace: Case Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Graduate School
. Kasetsart University, 2021.
Aferudin, Farouq
, and
Kalamullah Ramli
The Development of Cybersecurity Information Sharing Framework for National Critical Information Infrastructure in Indonesia
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)
5, no. 3 (2022): 22859-22872.
Sharma, Muskan
Cyber Terrorism and How Internet is Used to Propagate it
Legal Readings, "A Platform for Learning"
., 2021.
Hazari, Sunil
Investigation of generational differences in advertising behaviour and fake news perception among Facebook users
Int. J. Internet Marketing and Advertising
17, no. 1/2 (2022).
Poškus, Armandas
Kibernetinio saugumo galimybių tyrimas
. Vol. Bakalauro. Vilnius: Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija, 2022.
Ansari, Meraj Farheen
Bibhu Dash
Pawankumar Sharma
, and
Nikhitha Yathiraju
The Impact and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity: A Literature Review
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
11, no. 9 (2022).
Dash, Bibhu
Meraj Farheen Ansari
Pawankumar Sharma
, and
Azad Ali
Threats and opportunities with ai-based cyber security intrusion detection: a review
International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA)
13, no. 5 (2022).
Turlubekova, Zhaniya
Pushed against the Wall: The Fight against Drug-Related Corruption in Kazakhstan
Communist and Post-Communist Studies
55, no. 3 (2022): 119-139.
Trauthig, Inga K.
Katlyn Glover
Zelly Martin
Anastasia Goodwin
, and
Samuel Woolley
Polarized Information Ecosystems and Encrypted Messaging Apps: Insights into Egypt, Ethiopia, and Libya
. Center for Media Engagement Moody College of Communication The University of Texas at Austin, 2022.
Simeon, Lesley Amol
The Human Rights Oversight in Ensuring Energy Security
PDEU Journal of Energy and Management
5, no. 1-2 (2020).
Karakuş, Muhammed
, and
Ömer Ak
Pornification of the Cyberspace during intrastate conflicts: VNSAs, recruitment strategies and the changing role of women in the turbulence of violence
." In
Fighting for Empowerment in an Age of Violence
. IGI Global , 2022.
Garcia, Gabriel
A política externa dos Estados Unidos de Barack Obama a Donald Trump (2013/2020) na revista Foreign Affairs: uma análise por meio da Teoria Crítica
. Vol. Mestrado em andamento em Relações Internacionais . Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2022.
Thangavel, Kathiravan
ordan Joseph Plotnek
Alessandro Gardi
, and
Roberto Sabatini
Understanding and investigating adversary threats and countermeasures in the context of space cybersecurity
Conference: AIAA/IEEE 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)
. Portsmouth, VA, USA, 2022.
Li, Wei
Cheng-shu Wu
, and
Su-mei Ruan
CUS-RF-Based Credit Card Fraud Detection with Imbalanced Data
Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response
12, no. 3 (2022): 110-123 .
Giedraitytė, Vidmantė
Interinstitutional and Cross-Sectorial Collaboration to Ensure Security
." In
Europe Alone: Small State Security Without the United States
. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022.
Ding, Xinyi
Zohreh Raziei
Eric C. Larson
Eli V. Olinick
Paul Krueger
, and
Michael Hahsler
Swapped face detection using deep learning and subjective assessment
EURASIP Journal on Information Security
2020, no. 6 (2020).
Samosa, Resty C.
Killy Neah C. Amondina
Rhicca D. Camposano
Angelica P. Ruadiel
Christine Joy P. Rayuan
, and
Nicole Joy Y. Soledad
Virtual Laboratory as a Self-Paced Learning Innovation to Improve Learning Achievements and Attitudes in Teaching Physical Science
British Journal of Innovation in Science, Research and Development
01, no. 02 (2022).
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