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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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Hranov, Nikolay Naydenov
Cybersecurity for Network Management Systems
IT4Sec Reports
., 2023.
Hranov, Nikolay Naydenov
Evaluation techniques for cyber threats in network management systems
IT4Sec Reports
., 2023.
Roslycky, Lada
Philipp Fluri
, and
Todor Tagarev
Legal, Economic, and Regional Security Implications of the Russia-Ukraine War
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
21, no. 4 (2022): 5-10.
Polivanova, Olena
Kateryna Nykolyna
Kyrylo Stepanenko
Serhii Myroslavskyi
, and
Alla Puktetska
Polyakh and Others v. Ukraine: The Latest Standards of Applicability of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights in Lustration Cases
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
21, no. 4 (2022): 11-27.
Davlikanova, Olena
Designation of the Russian Federation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism: Meeting the “Club of Villains” Criteria
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
21, no. 4 (2022): 29-46.
Davlikanova, Olena
Declaration of the Russian State as a State Sponsor of Terrorism: Pros, Cons, and Realities
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
21, no. 4 (2022): 47-66.
Koval, Oles
Alim Syzov
, and
Vadym Pakholchuk
Military-Economic Capabilities of Ukraine During the Transformation
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
21, no. 4 (2022): 67-85.
Dunay, Pàl
Growing Apart: The Impact of the Russian War in Ukraine on the Former Soviet Space
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
21, no. 4 (2022): 87-114.
Blank, Stephen
The Critical Black Sea Zone
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
21, no. 4 (2022): 115-128.
Alipiev, Ilian
Is the Mass Shooting in Moscow an Act of Terrorism?
CSDM Views
., 2024.
David, James Ojochenemi
The 3Ds (development, diplomacy, and defense) in Nigerian counterinsurgency: lessons from Uruzgan
Frontiers in Political Science
5 (2024).
Garon, Richard
Les mécanismes informels de la politique pangouvernementale canadienne en réponse aux situations complexes de sécurité des années 2000
. Vol. Philosophiæ doctor (Ph. D.). Québec, Canada: Universite Laval, 2024.
Kanet, Roger E.
From Soviet Active Measures to Russian Information Warfare
Upadhyay, Akshat
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Warfare: A New Warfighting Paradigm
Strategic Analysis
Lefteratos, Alexandros
The unintended consequences of the EU’s engagement in contested states: the case of Cyprus
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Beseler, Arista
, and
Florian Toepfl
Conduits of the Kremlin’s Informational Influence Abroad? How German Language Alternative Media Outlets Are Connected to Russia’s Ruling Elites
The International Journal of Press/Politics
(2024): 1-20.
Manfredi, Juan Luis
Unfair Competition: How States Use Disinformation to Exercise Public Diplomacy
International Journal of Communication
18 (2024): 1426-1448.
Danguguwa, Kabiru Ibrahim
Bello Adamu Hotoro
, and
Bello Sani Kabara
Revisiting the Formation and Radicalisation of Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) through Social Movement Theory
European Scientific Journal, ESJ
20, no. 2 (2024).
Hadjigeorgiou, Nasia
The Practice of Engagement without Recognition under International Law: A Tool for Combatting Human Trafficking
Global Studies Quarterly
4 (2024).
Roepstorff, Kristina
Encounters of the Local and the International in the Governance of Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Action
Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Institut II Gesellschaftswissenschaften
. Vol. Doctor rerum politicarum habilitatus . Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität , 2023.
Kleppan, Iver Johannes
, and
Jonas Stenseth Selstad
Lederskap i teori og praksis: Studie av utdannelsen til offiserer i Forsvaret (Norge) og Bundesheer (Østerrike)
Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning
. Vol. Masteroppgave i strategisk ledelse og økonomi. Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap , 2023.
Mazurin, Oleksii Volodymyro
Historical Experience of the British Armed Forces in Countering Domestic Terrorism
„South Аrchive” (Historical Sciences)
, no. XLІV (2023).
Säälik, Ülle
Tiia-Triin Truusa
, and
Artur Meerits
Should leaders “keep the flowers blooming” or just “keep the cogwheels greased?” Estonian soldiers’ perceptions of the role of a military leader
Journal of Baltic Studies
Antyras, Alexandros Konstantin
Think Tanks and Foreign Policy Advice: Definition and Classification
Department of International and European Studies
. Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia, 2023.
Guemide, BoutkhilL
Manufacturing of the Green Scare: The rise of Islamophobic US foreign policy after 9/11
ELBAHITH for Academic Studie
11, no. 01 (2024): 744-761.
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Nanotechnology and Global Security
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How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
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The Age of Post-Truth: State Influence and Strategic Communication - Contemporary Security Challenges on Europe’s Eastern Flank:
How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
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