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The Hollow Pact: Pacific Security and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. Fort Worth: ProQuest Publishing, 2006.
Homeland Security: Coast Guard Operations—Background and Issues for Congress. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 2006.
How al-Qaida Ends: The Decline and Demise of Terrorist Groups." International Security 31, no. 1 (2006): 22.
"How the EU Reinforces Russia’s Power., 2006.
How to apply CBR methods in Web service composition?" In 2nd international conference on Security of information and networks., 2006.
"Hu Jintao, speech at the sixth SCO Summit. Shanghai: the web-site of the Foreign Ministry of China, 2006.
Hughes: Fixing U.S. Image May Take Years." Associated Press (2006).
"Human Expert Fusion for Image Classification." Information & Security: An International Journal 20 (2006): 122-143.
"Human Research Protection Program. U.S. Department of the Navy, 2006.
Human Resources in Combating Terrorism." Modern Traffic (Zagreb) 26, no. 5 (2006): 285-384.
"Human Safety and Risk Management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2006.
The Human Security Framework and National Fuman Development Reports: A review of Еxperiences and Current Debates In National Human Development Report Series. New York: The United Nations, 2006.
Human Trafficking and The Impact on National Security for the United States. Vol. Master of Strategic Studies. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania: U.S. Army War College, , 2006.
The IAONA Handbook for Network Security. Industrial Automation Open Networking Alliance In Version 1.5. Magdeburg, Germany, 2006.
"If Called to Lebanon, NATO ‘Could Go In‘." International Herald Tribune (2006).
Ignoring the Innocent: Non-combatants in Urban Operations and in Military Models and Simulations. Vol. Dissertation rept. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Graduate School Santa Monica CA, 2006.
Ignoring the Innocent: Non-combatants in Urban Operations and in Military Models and Simulations., 2006.
Il Terrorismo Internazionale Negli Ordinamenti Giuridici dei Paesi Occidentali: E I Relativi Strumenti di Cooperazione Giudiziaria e di PoliziaStudi Strategici, 2006. Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, 2006.
Immigration and Terrorism: Moving Beyond the 9/11 Staff Report on Terrorist Travel." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 5, no. 2 (2006): 55-97.
"Impacts of Information Technology on Organizational Structures." In 2nd Jordanian International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (JICCSE2006)., 2006.
"Implementation of Democratic Control of Armed Forces in the OSCE Region: Lessons Learned from the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security In Occasional Paper – № 11. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2006.
Implementing Fuzzy logic in planar motion tracking Publication date 2006/1." Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 7 (2006): 1-10.
"Implementing the PAP-DIB: The Education and Training for Defense Reform Initiative – Guidelines for Development. NATO, 2006.
Improving Effectiveness and Capabilities." NATO’s Nations and Partners for Peace 50 (2006): 53-54.