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Improving the Dynamic ID-Based Remote Mutual Authentication Scheme In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006, OTM 2006 Workshops., 2006.
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"In Praise of Folly: International Administration and Corruption of Humanity." International Affairs 82, no. 3 (2006): 525-38.
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"Insurgencies in North-East India: Dimensions of Discord and Containment." In Responding to Terrorism in South Asia. New Delhi: RCSS & Manohar, 2006.
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Integrated technology for distributed operational decision support systems In IEEE/SMC International Conference on System of Systems Engineering. Los Angeles, CA, USA , 2006.
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"Intelligent Support for Distributed Operational Decision Making In 9th International Conference on Information Fusion. Florence, Italy, 2006.
Inter-Media Agenda Setting and Global News Coverage." Journalism Studies 7, no. 2 (2006): 323-33.
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International CIIP Handbook 2006: An Inventory of 20 National and 6 International Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Policies In Volume 1. Zurich: ETH – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2006.
International Counterproliferation Cooperation Remains Vital. U.S. Department of State International Information Programs, 2006.