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"The Computer- Aided Exercise – An Alternative of the Conventional Exercises in the Armed Forces." Information & Security: An International Journal 3 (2000): 119-131.
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Concurrent Oblivious Transfer In 41st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science FOCS 2000 . Redondo Beach, California, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000.
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"Confronting Corruption: The Elements of a National Integrity System. Vol. 1. Berlin: Transparency International, 2000.
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"The Construct of Resilience: A Critical Evaluation and Guidelines for Future Work." Child Development 71, no. 3 (2000): 543-562.
"Contagion." The Review of Economic Studies 67, no. 1 (2000): 57-78.
"Contemporary Trends in the Development of Information Security and Computer Virology." Information & Security: An International Journal 4 (2000): 60-72.
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"Cooperative Security: Framework for a Better Future? In World Defense Systems 2000. Royal United Services Institution, 2000.
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"Costs of Oil Dependence: A 2000 Update. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2000.
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"Coup d’oeil: The Commander’s Intuition in Clausewitzian Terms." Air & Space Power Journal (2000).
"Crisis of Confidence: NATO’s Balkan Adventure Brought Europe to the Threshold of a New Cold War." In European Union, Russia and the Baltic Situation. Moscow: Interdiktat, 2000.
"Cryptanalysis of a Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 46, no. 4 (2000): 992-993.
"Cryptographic Software Solution for Information Protection in a Corporate Intranet." Information & Security: An International Journal 4 (2000): 97-104.
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