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Bruner, Jerome. The Culture of Education. Zagreb: Educa, 2000.
Warren, Matthew, and William Hutchinson. "Cyber Attacks Against Supply Chain Management Systems: A Short Note." International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 30, no. 7-8 (2000): 710-16.
Boonruang, Sasiwimon, and Karnjana Karnjanatawe. "Cyber Laws Pass – but Confusion Reigns." Bangkok Post (2000).
Bristow, Damon. "Cyber-warfare rages across Taiwan Strait." Jane’s Intelligence Review (2000).
Galvin, John. Cyberwars Bring real-world Conflict to the Web., 2000.
Smets, Ph.. Data Fusion in the Transferable Belief Model In Proc. of Fusion 2000. Paris: Intern. Conf. on Information Fusion, 2000.
Mason, Colin R., and James Moffat. Decision Making Support: Representing the C2 Process in Simulations: Modelling the Human Decision-Maker In 2000 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA, 2000.
Saunders, P.J., and G. Ward. "Decontamination of Chemically Contaminated Casualties: Implications for the Health Service and a Regional Strategy." Pre-hospital Immediate Care 4, no. 3 (2000): 122-125.
Starkey, Kate, and Andri van Mens. "Defence Budget Transparency on the Internet." Information & Security: An International Journal 5 (2000): 94-114.
Defence, United Kingdom Mi. Defence Diplomacy, Policy Paper 1. MoD , 2000.
Defending America’s Cyberspace: National Plan for Information Systems Protection, Version 1.0: An Invitation to a Dialogue. Washington, D.C.: The White House, 2000.
Hirst, Paul. "Democracy and Governance." In Debating Governance: Authority, Steering, and Democracy, edited by Jon Pierre, 13-35. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Martin, Lisa L.. Democratic Commitments: Legislatures and International Cooperation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000.
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Le Blanc, Gilles. "Dépenses Militaires, Restructuration de l’Industrie d’Armement et Privatisation de la Défense: Analyse Comparée France–États-Unis 1994-1999." Arès 28, no. 46 (2000): 48.
Zielke, Anne. "Der Körper des Gegners. Frauen dürfen an die Waffen: Endet damit die Männerherrschaft?" Süddeutsche Zeitung (2000): 14.
Blackman, Samuel S., and Robert Populi. Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking Systems. Norwood: MA: Artech House, 2000, 2000.
Kawaguchi, T., D. Hidaka, and M. Rizon. "Detection of Eyes from Human Faces by Hough Transform and Separability Filter." In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 49-52. Vol. 1 . Vancouver: British Columbia, 2000.
Sirois, Alexandre. "Deux Canadiens sur trois pensent ne pas influencer leurs gouvernements." La Presse (Montréal) (2000): C20.
Fink, D.. "Developing trust for Electronic Commerce." In Internet and Intranet: Security and Management: Risks and Solutions, 44-86. Idea Group Publishing, 2000.
Borden, Andrew. "The Dialectics of Information – A Framework." Information & Security: An International Journal 4 (2000): 33-40.
Editorial. "Dialectics of Information Security." Information & Security: An International Journal 4 (2000): 2-12.
Winrow, Gareth. Dialogue with the Mediterranean: The Role of NATO’s Mediterranean Initiative . New York/London: Routledge, 2000.
Kipphoff, Petra. "Die Berufung der Frau. Warum das Gewehr bei uns Männersache ist." Die Zeit (2000): 39.
Die Bundeswehr – sicher ins 21. Jahrhundert. Eckpfeiler für eine Erneuerung von Grund auf. Bonn: German Ministry of Defense, 2000.
