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Recognition Program Modules and Detection of Unauthorized Actions Using Neural Nets." Information Technologies 2, no. 10 (1997).
"Reconsidering the Phases of Disaster." International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 17, no. 2 (1997): 239-264.
"Regulation on the Conditions which must be met by Educational Institutions Providing Training in Protection Against Natural and Other Disasters. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia Nos 16/96 and 31/97, 1997.
A Report and Recommendations for Canadian Foreign Policy in the Circumpolar Arctic, Appendix 3, “Northern Governance: Devolution, Treaties and the Arctic Council”. Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Resources Committee, 1997.
Report of the Economic and Social Council for 1997. United Nations ECOSOC , 1997.
Representing and Reasoning about Semantic Conflicts in Heterogeneous Information Systems. Ph.D. Thesis (Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997.
Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 26 March 1997 In Plan of the Concept for the Development of the Army of the Czech Republic until 2000 with an Outlook to 2005., 1997.
Resource Allocation and Resources Management in Defence: Western Model. Sofia: Stopanstvo Publishing House, 1997.
"RFE/RL Newsline." RFE/RL Newsline 1, no. 131 (1997).
The Rise of Illiberal Democracy." Foreign Affairs (1997): 14-33.
"The Role of Military Education in Harmonizing Civil-Military Relations. NATO Democratic Institutions Fellowship Program, 1997.
Russian National Security Blueprint." Rossiiskaya Gazeta (1997).
"Russian Politics: The Struggle for a New Order . Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997, 1997.
Russlands Erwartungen an Deutschland." Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (1997): 46-53.
"The Secret Army: The IRA. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publications, 1997.
A Secure and Practical Electronic Voting Scheme for Real World Environments." IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals E80-A, no. 1 (1997): 64-71.
"Secure Official Document Mail Systems for Office Automation In IEEE 31st Annual 1997 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Canberra, Australia, 1997.
Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6 (1997): 1673-1687.
"Security of Information System on Internet In Sofia: AFCEA-Sofia, 4 - 5 December 1997., 1997.
The Security Policy of the Czech Republic. Prague: Institute of International Relations, 1997.
Selection of Indicators for Early Warning of Violent Political Conflicts by Genetic Algorithms." In International Conference on Transition to Advanced Market Institutions and Economies. Warsaw, Poland, 1997.
"The Serbs: History, Myth, and the Destruction of Yugoslavia . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997.
The Serbs. History, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997.
Sex Among Allies. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.
Situation of Human Rights in Kosovo. UN GA , 1997.