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"A Slightly New Italian Establishment." Economist (1997).
Social Support: A Conceptual Analysis." Journal of Advanced Nursing 25, no. 1 (1997): 95-100.
"Software agents: A review. Dublin: Trinity College and Broadcom Eireann Research Ltd., 1997.
Software Engineering: A Practical Approach. McGraw Hill International, 1997.
Soldiers for Sale." Time Magazine (1997).
" Sotsiologiya voyny." Nauchny mir (1997): 159.
"The Spirit of the Web: The Age of Information from Telegraph to the Internet. Toronto: Somerville House, 1997.
A Spy for all Seasons: My Life in the CIA. New York: Scribner, 1997.
Staatliches Krisenmanagement in Österreich [National Crisis Management in Austria] In Vienna: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Landesverteidigung und Sicher¬heitspolitik [Austrian Society for National Defense and Security Policy., 1997.
Strategy Under Uncertainty." Harvard Business Review 75, no. 6 (1997): 66-79.
"Strawman Joint Operational Architecture In Briefing to the C4ISR Architecture Working Group., 1997.
Survival: některé psychologické a teoretické aspekty přežití /Some Psychological and Theoretical Aspects of Survival/ . Ostrava: SPBI, 1997.
Synthetic Soldiers." IEEE Spectrum 31, no. 3 (1997): 39-45.
"Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics." International Organization 51, no. 4 (1997): 513-553.
"Teaching and Learning Research Ethics." In Research Ethics: A Reader. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1997.
""Ten Belgian Paratroopers Murdered and Mutilated: Who’s to Blame?" Associated Press (1997).
Terror of the West Over Modern Society. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1997.
Textbooks and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe." In Culture and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe, 90-104. Vol. 2. Thessaloniki: Paratiritis , 1997.
"Then and Now: Comparative Politics." Political Studies (1997).
" Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes." In Information Security Workshop. Japan, 1997.
"TOPAZ Nuclear Program Called Failure; GAO Report Claims Mismanagement in Tech-Transfer Effort." Rocky Mountain News (1997).
"A tour guide for the world wide web In IJCAI97 ., 1997.
Toward a Theory of Stakeholder Identification and Salience. Defining the Principle of Who and What Really Counts ." The Academy of Management Review 22, no. 4 (1997): 853-886.