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UNMIH Facilitator Training In Battle Command Training Program. Vol. unpublished manuscript. BCTP archives, 1995.
UNMIH Training Schedule In Battle Command Training Program. BCTP archives, 1995.
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Sarkesian, Sam. US National Security: Policy Makers, Processes and Politics. London: Lynne Reinner Publishers, 1995.
Brecke, Peter. Using Neural Networks to Find Harbingers of Violent Conflicts In Preprints of the IFAC Conference on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability . Vienna, Austria, 1995.
Saperstein, Alvin M.. "War and Chaos." American Scientist 83 (1995): 548-555.
Biden, Joseph R., and John B. Ritch. "The War Powers at a Constitutional Impasse: a Joint Decision Solution." Georgetown Law Journal 77, no. 2 (1995).
Armstrong, R., T. Mitchell, T. Joachims, and D. Freitag. "Webwatcher: A learning apprentice for the world wide web." In Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium: Information Gathering from Heterogeneous, Distributed Environments . Stanford University: AAAI Press, 1995.
Rotschild, Emma. "What is security?" Daedalus 124, no. 3 (1995): 61.
Rodman, Peter W.. "Will NATO Survive?" National Review (1995).
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"Is Your Business Protected? ." Management Review 84, no. 8 (1995): 43-45.
Earl, Michael, and David Feeny. "Is Your CIO Adding Value." The McKinsey Quarterly 2 (1995): 144-161.
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Act on the Protection against Natural and other Disasters. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No 64/94, 1994.
Daeipour, E., Y. Bar-Shalom, and Rong X. Li. Adaptive beam pointing control of a phased array radar using an IMM estimator In American Control Conference., 1994.
Rong-Li, Xiao, Y. Ying, S. Shen, and M. Rao. "Adaptive Fading Kalman Filter with an Application." Automatica 30, no. 8 (1994): 1333-1338.
Wang, Hai. Adaptive fuzzy Systems and Control . Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994.
Drucker, Peter F.. "The Age of Social Transformation." The Atlantic Monthly 274, no. 5 (1994): 53-80.
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Allmendinger, Jutta, and Richard J. Hackman. "Akzeptanz oder Abwehr? Die Integration von Frauen in professionelle Organisationen." Kölner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 46, no. 2 (1994): 238-258.
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Leist, Susanne, and Krzysztof Woda. "Analyse der Erfolgsfaktoren mobiler Zahlungssysteme." (1994).
Shalamanov, Velizar. Analysis of the Threats and Synthesis of the Force Structure and Disposition In 15th AFCEA-Europe Symposium . Brussels: AFCEA-Europe, 1994.
