Export 21430 results:
Mediation in Ukraine: Challenges of Peace and War. University of Turin, Law Department, 2016.
Members of NATO and not EU., 2016.
A Method for the Development of Cyber Security Strategies." Information & Security: An International Journal 34, no. 1 (2016): 37-55.
"A method of encircle tactic based on geometric analysis in pursuit-evasion games." In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. Harbin, China , 2016.
"Methodological Approach for Modelling, Simulation & Assessment of Complex Discrete Systems In National Informatics Conference Dedicated to 80-th Anniversary of Prof. Petar Barnev. Sofia, Bulgaria: Institute of Mathematics & Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2016.
On Methodological Approaches to Defence Sector Reform." In XVI International Symposium 2016 SYMORG., 2016.
"Metodyka vyjavlennja manipuljacij suspilnoju dumkoju u socialnyh internet-servisah." Informacijna bezpeka 3, no. 23 (2016): 80-92.
"Micro-CI: A Critical Systems Testbed for Cyber-Security Research." In EMERGING 2016., 2016.
"MICRO-CI: A Testbed for Cyber-Security Research." In EMERGING 2016: The Eighth International Conference on Emerging Networks and Systems Intelligence., 2016.
"Militarization of Border Control – Why Not?" In Armed Forces for 2020 and Beyond, 35-51. Wien, 2016.
"Military–technological aspects of the Swedish mission to Afghanistan." In The Swedish Presence in Afghanistan: Security and Defence Transformation., 2016.
"The Mirror Has Two Faces: Terrorist Use of the Internet and the Challenges of Governing Cyberspace." In National Security and Counterintelligence in the Era of Cyber Espionage., 2016.
"Mission Description., 2016.
Mitigating cross-site scripting attacks with a content security policy." Computer 3, no. 49, (3) (2016): 56-63.
"MMD-0056-2016 - Linux/Mirai, how an old ELF malcode is recycled. Malware Must Die, 2016.
Mobile Commerce Security and Its Prevention." In Securing Transactions and Payment Systems for M-Commerce. IGI Global, 2016.
"The Mobilization and Recruitment of Foreign Fighters: The Case of Islamic State, 2012–2014." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 3 (2016): 83-100.
"Model for Sharing the Information of Cyber Security Situation Awareness between Organizations." In 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016.
"A model-driven approach to survivability requirements assessment for critical systems." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 230, no. 5 (2016): 485-501.
"Modeling and data processing of information systems In 016 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR). Lodz, Poland, 2016.
Modeling and dataprocessing of information systems In Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR), International Conference, IEEE Xplore., 2016.
Moderated discussion: Progress on European Geogenic Radon Mapping." In Moderated panel discussion during the 13th International Workshop on the Geological Aspects of Radon Risk Mapping (15-16 September 2016). Prague:, 2016.
"Modern information wars. Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2016.
Money laundering and financial crimes: a comparison between criminal and legal firms In Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche. Vol. Magistrale in Business Administration. Universita‟ Degli Studi Di Padova , 2016.
Montenegrin Opposition Calls Charges of Plot to Kill Djukanovic ‘Fabricated’. Radio Free Europe, 2016.