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Konsumenters Etiska Köpbeteende In Managementhögskolan, Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi. Vol. Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi. Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 2012.
"Kriminaliät ohne Grenzen." In Atlas der Globalisierung – Die Welt von morgen, 37. TAZ, 2012.
Kyrgyz Foreign Minister, Afghan Envoy Discuss Security, Drug Fight. BBC Monitoring Central Asia Unit, 2012.
L’UE appelle à enrayer la colonisation en Cisjordanie." Le Figaro (2012).
"La Difesa Civile nel XXI secolo: dalla cooperazione civile-militare all'integrazione delle forze. Vol. PhD Thesis., 2012.
Labor Migration and Remittances to Georgia." ISET Economist (2012).
"Lakhdar Brahimi Works to Revive Syria Peace Plan." Los Angeles Times (2012).
"Large-Scale Simulation of Uniform Load Traffic for Modeling of Throughput on a Crossbar Switch Node In 8-th Int. Confл “Large-Scale Scientific Computations”. Vol. LNCS, 7116. Sozopol, Bulgaria: Springer, 2012.
Lazerno i radarno skanirane., 2012.
Le Rivoluzioni Colorate: Georgia, Ucraina, Kirghizistan. Il Settore Energetico, un Caso di Studio In Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Cattedra di Diritto Pubblico Comparato. LUISS, 2012.
Learning and knowledge transfer performance among public sector accountants: an empirical survey." Knowledge Management Research & Practice 10, no. 2 (2012): 164-174.
"Learning from Others’ Mistakes: Towards Participatory, Gender-sensitive SSR." In Back to the Roots: Security Sector Reform and Development, 115. Geneva: DCAF, 2012.
"Lee-algorithm based path replanner for dynamic environments." In 2012 International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES). Wroclaw, Poland, 2012.
"Lessons from RAND’s Work on Planning Under Uncertainty for National Security. Vol. 29. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012.
Lessons of the Iraqi De-Ba'athification Program for Iraq’s Future and the Arab Revolutions. Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 2012.
Let Me Not Die Before My Time. New York: International Rescue Committee, 2012.
Letters from Abbottabad: Bin Laden Sidelined?. West Point, NY: The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, 2012.
Libya After Qadhafi: Reshaping the Political and Security Systems." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 3 (2012): 1-20.
"Libya: Rule of Law or Rule of Militias?. London: Amnesty International, 2012.
Libyen nach Gaddafi – Die Vereinten Nationen unterstützen den Auf-bauprozess." Vereinte Nationen 60, no. 3 (2012): 99-105.
"License plate character segmentation based on pixel distribution density." International journal of engineering science & advanced technology 2, no. 5 (2012): 1539-1542.
"Literature and small-world study on future nature-related disasters. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, FOCUS Deliverable 4.2, 2012.
A Little War That Shook the World: Georgia, Russia, and the Future of the West." New York: Palgrave Macmillan 112 (2012).