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Mission Command In Army Doctrine Reference Publication. Washington, D.C.: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2012.
Mobile Learning and ADL’s Experience API." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 12, no. 1 (2012): 45-49.
"Mobile Learning in Security and Defense Organizations." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 12, no. 1 (2012): 1-3.
"Model and Implementation of Safety Case Cores." Information & Security: An International Journal 28, no. 2 (2012): 286-295.
"A Model for Defining the Software System State In Sixth International Scientific Conference “Hemus-2012”., 2012.
A model-driven cloud manufacturing federated access technology (一种模型驱动的云制造联邦接入技术)." Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 7 (2012).
"Modeling Optimal Investments with Portfolio Analysis in Electricity Markets." Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 30, no. 1 (2012): 673-692.
"Modelling Extreme Events for the Purposes of Security Foresight." Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, no. 59 (2012): 253-259.
"Modelo de Segurança da Informação para Organizações Militares em Ambiente de Guerra de Informação." Proelium (Revista Científica da Academia Militar) VII (2012): 31-66.
"Modus operandi of organized crime in Bulgaria In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and defence Management, 2012.
The Moldovan Military Academy: Transforming Officer Education." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 4 (2012): 99-107.
"Motivation for Volunteerism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia." In 10th ISTR Conference. Siena: Italy: Siena University, 2012.
"Motivations and Misperceptions: An Abbreviated Guide to Why Individuals Join Islamic Fundamentalist Terror Organizations. Amazon, 2012.
Moving Westward: The Azerbaijan DEEP Experience." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 4 (2012): 91-97.
"A Multi-agent Immunologically-inspired Model for Critical Information Infrastructure Protection - An Immunologically-inspired Conceptual Model for Security on the Power Grid In 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. Liverpool, UK: IEEE, 2012.
Multi-disciplinary report on analyses of the Lisbon Treaty as organizing context for future EU roles. Center for European Security Studies Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, FOCUS Deliverable 7.2, 2012.
Multi-Fragmental Availability Models of Critical Infrastructures with Variable Parameters of System Dependability." Information & Security: An International Journal 28, no. 2 (2012): 248-265.
"Muuttuva turvallisuusympäristö ja puolustuskyky–vertailua läntisten strategiadokumenttien kautta., 2012.
The Myth of the CIA and the Trans-Siberian Pipeline Explosion. Digital Dao, 2012.
Nadležnost za Teška Kršenja Ljudskih Prava u Iraku Koja s Izvršile Privatne Vojnobezbednosne Kompanije Koje su Zaključile Ugovor sa SAD - Incident na Trgu Nisur." Pravni zapisi 3, no. 2 (2012): 352-381.
"On National and International Cyber Security Exercises. Survey, Analysis and Recommendations. Heraklion, Greece: ENISA, 2012.
National Counter Terrorism Centre for India: Understanding the Debate In IPCS Issue Brief. New Delhi: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, 2012.
National Cyber Contingency Plans - Contents & Lifecycle. ENISA, 2012.
National Cyber Security Framework Manual. Tallinn: NATO CCD COE, 2012.
The National Preparedness Report: Assessing the State of Preparedness In Statement to the Homeland Security Committee., 2012.