Export 21441 results:
Using vegetation index and modified derivative for early detection of soybean plant injury from glyphosate." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 89 (2012): 145-157.
"U.S.-Japan Alliance Grows for Asia-Pacific Security Balance." The Korea Herald (2012).
"US–Uzbekistan Ties against Afghani Backdrop. Voice of Russia Radio, 2012.
Uzbekistan as a Values Challenge for NATO." Harper’s Magazine (2012).
"Uzbekistan – Rotten to the Core but Number 1 in Some Important Categories., 2012.
Uzbekistan to Get U.S. Night-Vision, GPS, Body Armor., 2012.
Vademecum of Civil Protection in the European Union. European Commission, 2012.
Venturnye fondy i drugie perspektivnye tehnologii dlya nacional’noi ekonomiki [The Venture Funds and Other Prospective Technologies for the National Economy]." SSRN Electronic Journal (2012): 11.
""Verbatim record of the Statement of the RF President V. Putin to the Federal Assembly." Rossiyskaya Gazeta (2012).
Virtualization Essentials. USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Visualization of ATM Usage Patterns to Detect Counterfeit Cards Usage." In 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, HI, USA , 2012.
"Visualizing capability requirements in planning scenarios using Principal Component Analysis." In IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications. Ottawa, ON, Canada , 2012.
"Vladimir Putin press conference. official website of the President of Russia, 2012.
War, Law and Order, Case Study: Australian Whole-of-Government Efforts to Develop the Security and Criminal Justice Sectors in Stabilization In US Army Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute. U.S. Army War College, 2012.
Was double agent responsible for Stuxnet attack on Iran?" Defence Systems (2012).
"Water always finds its way: Identifying new forms of money laundering." Crime, Law and Social Change 57, no. 3 (2012): 287-304.
"Water Fight: Owners of Private Tankers Give 24 Hours Ultimatum. The Express Tribune, 2012.
Watermark Captioning for Images in E-Governance." International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Sciences II, no. II (2012).
"We Literally Know Nothing. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2012.
The Weakest Strongman." The New Republic magazine (2012).
"Web 3.0: The Mobile Era. August, 2012, 2012.
The West’s Coming Joint Security Trap: Don’t Go Dutch." E!Sharp (2012).
"What a Eurasian Union Means for Washington." The National Interest (2012).
"What Happened in Lopota Valley and What Is Happening in Pankisi Valley?., 2012.