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T-Pot 16.10 - Multi-Honeypot Platform Redefined In Deutsche Telekom AG Honeypot Project., 2016.
The Tragedy of Youth in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings: Preventing Youth Participation in Violence and Assessing Their Role in Turkey’s Southeast (2009-2015). Vol. PhD Thesis. Coventry: Coventry University, 2016.
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"Transforming Defence: Examining NATO’s Role in Institutional Changes of South Caucasus Countries (A comparative Study of Armenia and Georgia) In Department of Sociology. Vol. PhD. University of Bielefeld, 2016.
Transient thermal–hydraulic analysis of a space thermionic reactor." Annals of Nuclear Energy 89 (2016): 38-49.
"Transnational Media Coverage of the ISIS Threat: A Global Perspective?" International Journal of Communication 10 (2016): 766-785.
"Transnational Organized Crime – Latvian Challenges and Responses." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 3 (2016): 33-39.
"Trump Asks a Good Question About NATO (and Botches It). Bloomberg View, 2016.
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The Truth About Islamic State: It’s in Crisis!. The Spectator, 2016.
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"Umar from the Caucasus’ is Emir of Nusra’s Liwa al-Muhajireen Wal Ansar. From Chechnya to Syria, 2016.
Umar Shishani’s Biographer Distances Him from Imarat Kavkaz Bayah. From Chechnya to Syria, 2016.
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"Understanding the impact of good governance and corruption on defence institution building: A reference curriculum for educators. Brussels: NATO, 2016.
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