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What You Can Do. White Ribbon Campaign, 2015.
When Choosing Means Losing: The Eastern Partners, the EU, and the Eurasian Economic Union. European Parliament , 2015.
White Paper 2015. Kyiv, 2015.
Why Did the World Ignore Boko Haram's Baga Attacks?" The Guardian (2015).
"Why Women?., 2015.
With or Without You: Germany and NATO. War on the Rocks, 2015.
Women and Climate Change in Bangladesh. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
Women of the Islamic State. London: Quilliam Foundation, 2015.
Women Rebuilding Lives Post-Disaster: Innovative Community Practices for Building Resilience and Promoting Sustainable Development." Gender & Development 23, no. 3 (2015): 433-448, quote on p. 438.
"The World in 2015. ICT Facts and Figures,, 2015.
The World Order and a New “Behemoth”." Asia-Pacific Review 22, no. 1 (2015): 177-190.
"World Report 2014: Nigeria., 2015.
A world without order?" Clingendael Monitor (2015).
"Zabezpechennja informacijnoi bezpeky derzhavy. Kyiv: DPU “Knyzhkova palata Ukrainy”, 2015.
Zarządzanie relacjami systemu obronnego państwa." In Społec-zeństwo, gospodarka, siły zbrojne – relacje i wyzwania. Warszawa: AON, 2015.
"Zawahiri Attacks Baghdadi, IS for Exporting Infighting from Iraq and Syria. SITE Intelligence, 2015.
Zimbabwe - Disaster and Risk Profile. Prevention Web, 2015.
Zimbabwe - Human Development Index for 1990 until 2013 In United Nations Development Programme., 2015.
Zimbabwe: Overview of corruption in the health and education sectors and in local governments. U4 Expert Answer, 2015.