
Export 21441 results:
What You Can Do. White Ribbon Campaign, 2015.
De Micco, Pasquale. When Choosing Means Losing: The Eastern Partners, the EU, and the Eurasian Economic Union. European Parliament , 2015.
Ukraine, Ministry of Defense. White Paper 2015. Kyiv, 2015.
Shearlaw, Maeve. "Why Did the World Ignore Boko Haram's Baga Attacks?" The Guardian (2015).
Why Women?., 2015.
Kühn, Ulrich. With or Without You: Germany and NATO. War on the Rocks, 2015.
Alston, Margaret. Women and Climate Change in Bangladesh. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
Winter, Charlie. Women of the Islamic State. London: Quilliam Foundation, 2015.
Drolet, Julie, Lena Dominelli, Margaret Alston, Robin Ersing, Golam Mathbor, and Hauriu Wu. "Women Rebuilding Lives Post-Disaster: Innovative Community Practices for Building Resilience and Promoting Sustainable Development." Gender & Development 23, no. 3 (2015): 433-448, quote on p. 438.
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND’s) Factsheet on the Federal Budget., 2015.
The World Bank development indicators., 2015.
The World in 2015. ICT Facts and Figures,, 2015.
Matsumoto, Futoshi. "The World Order and a New “Behemoth”." Asia-Pacific Review 22, no. 1 (2015): 177-190.
Human Rights Watch. World Report 2014: Nigeria., 2015.
Rood, Jan, Frans Paul van der Putten, and Minke Meijnders. "A world without order?" Clingendael Monitor (2015).
Young Men Initiative in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo., 2015.
Young Men’s Forum in Northern Ireland., 2015.
Petryk, Volodymyr M., Mykola M. Prysjazhnjuk, and Dmytro S. Melnyk. Zabezpechennja informacijnoi bezpeky derzhavy. Kyiv: DPU “Knyzhkova palata Ukrainy”, 2015.
Zakon o Hidrografskoj Djelatnosti., 2015.
Zakon o Hidrometeorološkim Poslovima., 2015.
Nowakowska-Krystman, Aneta, and Marzena Piotrowska-Trybull. "Zarządzanie relacjami systemu obronnego państwa." In Społec-zeństwo, gospodarka, siły zbrojne – relacje i wyzwania. Warszawa: AON, 2015.
Zawahiri Attacks Baghdadi, IS for Exporting Infighting from Iraq and Syria. SITE Intelligence, 2015.
Zimbabwe - Disaster and Risk Profile. Prevention Web, 2015.
Zimbabwe - Human Development Index for 1990 until 2013 In United Nations Development Programme., 2015.
Zimbabwe: Overview of corruption in the health and education sectors and in local governments. U4 Expert Answer, 2015.
