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Ciampaglia, Giovanni L., Azadeh Nematzadeh, Filippo Menczer, and Alessandro Flammini. "How Algorithmic Popularity Bias Hinders or Promotes Quality." Scientific reports 8, Article number: 15951, no. 1 (2018).
F.Ryman-Tubb, Nick, Paul Krause, and Wolfgang Garn. "How Artificial Intelligence and machine learning research impacts payment card fraud detection: A survey and industry benchmark." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 76 (2018): 130-157.
Ness, Susan, and Peter Chase. How GDPR Could Affect the Transatlantic Relationship. GMF (The German Marshall Fund), 2018.
Orenstein, Mitchell A., and Peter Kreko. "How Putin’s Favorite Biker Gang Infiltrated NATO." Foreign Affairs (2018).
Kruzel, John. How Russian Trolls Exploited Parkland Mass Shooting on Social Media. Politifact, 2018.
Monov, Lyubomir, and Maksim Karev. "How to Counter Hybrid Threats?" Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 2 (2018): 113-126.
Chuquicusma, Maria, Sarfaraz Hussein, Jeremy Burt, and Ulas Bagci. How to fool radiologists with generative adversarial networks? a visual turing test for lung cancer diagnosis In 2018 IEEE 15th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2018)., 2018.
Biden, Jr., Joseph R., and Michael Carpenter. "How to Stand Up to the Kremlin. Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies." Foreign Affairs (2018): 45.
Lemieux, Frederic. How to Tackle Cybersecurity Risks More Effectively. Georgetown University, School of Continuing Studies, 2018.
Mercier, Denis. "How will artificial intelligence and disruptive technologies transform military operations and organizations?" In NATO Science and Technology Organisation conference Bordeaux. Bordeaux: NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, 2018.
Georgiev, Venelin. The Human Factor in Cybersecurity. Sofia: Avangard, 2018.
Hybrid CoE, (The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats)., 2018.
Milushev, Lychezar, and Stoycho Panev. "Hybrid Threats, Challenges and Possibilities for Building Institutional Capabilities." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 2 (2018): 143-148.
The Hybrid War (group on Facebook)., 2018.
Shalamanov, Velizar. Hybrid warfare against (the naming of) the Hybrid warfare., 2018.
Keszely, László. "Hybrid Warfare and National Resilience, or a Comprehensive Approach Reloaded." Katonai Jogi és Hadijogi Szemle [Military Law and Military Law Review] 1 (2018): 29-62, quote on 61-62.
Atkinson, Carol. "Hybrid Warfare and Societal Resilience: Implications for Democratic Governance." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 1 (2018): 63-76.
Daskalov, Krassen. "Hybrid Warfare and the Challenge It Poses to the Psychological Resilience Training in the Bulgarian Military." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 3 (2018): 197-205.
Hryshchuk, Ruslan, and Todor Tagarev. "Hybrid Warfare Challenges and Responses: Lessons from Ukraine." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 5-8.
Tagarev, Todor. "Hybrid Warfare: Emerging Research Topics." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 3 (2018): 289-300.
Hybrid Warfare (NATO Multimedia Library). NATO Multimedia Library, 2018.
Vassileva, Bistra, and Moti Zwilling. "Hybrid Warfare Similation-based Learning: Challenges and Opportunities." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 3 (2018): 220-234.
Kremidas-Courtney, Chris. "Hybrid Warfare: The Comprehensive Approach in the Offense." Friends of Europe: Europe’s World (2018).
Hybrid warfare (Wikipedia)., 2018.
Inc., Gartner. Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies., 2018.
