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A Software Tool ASR for a posteriori Cryptanalysis on Public Keys Generated with ‘RSA’." Information & Security: An International Journal 37 (2017): 29-34.
"Sonderermittler soll Fall Amri aufklären. Handelsblatt online, 2017.
Sony Pictures and the U.S. Federal Government: A Case Study Analysis of the Sony Pictures Entertainment Hack Crisis Using Normal Accidents Theory In College of Arts and Letters, and the Department of Communication Studies. Vol. Master of Arts. University of Southern Mississippi, 2017.
Sources of Organizational Resilience for Sustainable Communities: An Institutional Collective Action Perspective." Sustainability 9, no. 7 (2017): 1141.
"The South Caucasus: A playground between NATO and Russia?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 16, no. 3 (2017): 47-56.
"South Korean Stereotypes towards North Koreans In On Our Way to Meet You. Channel A, 2017.
SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning In Disk Performance Analysis. Apress, 2017.
St. Petersburg Subway Bomb: 5 Things to Know About Central Asia. NBC News, 2017.
Stakeholder Engagement Framework." Information & Security: An International Journal 38 (2017): 35-45.
"The State Program for the Development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine until 2020. Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, 2017.
Statistics of Casualties in North Caucasus for 7 years. Kavkazsky Uzel [Caucasian Knot], 2017.
Status-Neutral Security, Confidence-Building and Arms Control Measures in the Georgian Context In Working Paper. Hamburg: The Centre for OSCE Research (CORE), 2017.
Stipulations of the Antiterrorist Legislation, Constraining Citizen’s Rights (in Russian) In Monitoring New Russian Laws and Their Implementation in the Field of Civil Rights., 2017.
Stockholm Attack Puts Focus on Terrorists from Central Asia." The Wall Street Journal (2017).
" A Study of Attitudes Towards Threat in the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence Commercial Function." In British Academy of Management Conference. University of Warwick , 2017.
"Substituting for the State: The Role of Volunteers in Defense Reform in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine." Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal 3 (2017): 47-70.
"Suomen kyberturvallisuuden nykytila, tavoitetila ja tarvittavat toimenpiteet tavoitetilan saavuttamiseksi (Finland’s Cyber Security: The Present State, Vision and the Actions Needed to Achieve the Vision). Helsinki: Prime Min¬ister's Office, 2017.
Suomen kyberturvallisuusstrategian toimeenpano-ohjelma 2017-2020 (Implementation Programme for Finland’s Cyber Security Strategy for 2017-2020). Helsinki: The Security Committee, 2017.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems and Cyber-Security: Best Practices to Secure Critical Infrastructure. Robert Morris University, 2017.
Survey of Deployment Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks: Coverage and Connectivity Issues and Challenges." International journal of autonomous and adaptive communications systems 10, no. 4 (2017): 341-390.
"The Survival of Small Businesses in Northeastern Florida After a Natural Disaster In Management. Vol. Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.). Walden University, 2017.
Swedish Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq: An analysis of open-source intelligence and statistical data. Swedish Defence University: Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies (CATS), 2017.