Export 21422 results:
Underlying causes of HIV/AIDS. Food and Agricultural Organisation, 2015.
Understanding Europeanization in Georgia and Armenia – Discourses, Perceptions and the Impact on Bilateral Relations." Analytical Bulletin 8 (2015): 29-54.
"Understanding Heuristic-based Scanning vs. Sandboxing. Opswat, 2015.
Understanding Hybrid Threats. European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), 2015.
Understanding the U.S. – NATO Relationship in the Post-Cold War Era. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science. Boston, Massachusetts: Northeastern University, 2015.
UNDP Working Definitions. UNDP, 2015.
Unification of Fusion Theories, Rules, Filters, Image Fusion and Target Tracking Methods (UFT). Columbus: The Educational Publisher, 2015.
Unification of Fusion Theories, Rules, Filters, Image Fusion and Target Tracking Methods (UFT). Columbus: The Educational Publisher, 2015.
United Nations Actions to Counter Terrorism: International Legal Instruments. United Nations, 2015.
"The United States Military Academy Strategic Plan, 2015-2021." In USMA Strategic Initiatives, 8. West Point, NY: United States Military Academy, 2015.
The United States National Security Strategy. The White House, 2015.
Unsupervised Footwear Impression Analysis and Retrieval from Crime Scene Data In Computer Vision - ACCV 2014 Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 9008. Cham: Springer, 2015.
Up to 1,700 Russians Fighting for ISIS, Says Head of Secret Service." Newsweek (2015).
"Updating NATO’s nuclear posture: Necessary? Feasible? Desirable? In European Leadership Network., 2015.
Uranium Mining and Associated Environmental Challenges for Ukraine." Science-Based Technologies 25, no. 1 (2015): 68-73.
"US Army Walks Cultural Minefield Training Ukraine Troops. Yahoo News, 2015.
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Hybrid Warfare, GAO-10-136R. Washington, DC: GAO, 2010, 2015.
US Joint Chiefs of Staff, The National Military Strategy of the United States of America 2015 . Vol. 4. Washington, DC: DOD, 2015.
The US Pivot to Asia: Recalibrating Pakistan’s Vision East Asia In Strategic Studies., 2015.
U.S. ‘Supermax’ Prison: ‘Alcatraz of the Rockies’ is Seen as ‘Inhuman and Degrading’." Los Angeles Times (2015).
"US to Give Ukraine’ Military an Additional $ 75 Million in Nonlethal Aid 11 March 2015." New York Times (2015).
"US Trends in Synthetic Biology Research Funding. Washington DC: Wilson Center, 2015.
The use of Tin Can API for web usage mining in E-learning applications on the social network In Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE). Langkawi, Malaysia: IEEE, 2015.
Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: Online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktismenoi movements." Information, Communication & Society 18, no. 2 (2015): 202-220.