Export 21423 results:
Waging War, Alliances, Coalitions and Institutions of Interstate Violence. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014.
Wales Declaration on the Transatlantic Bond In Press Release. NATO, 2014.
Wales Summit Declaration., 2014.
The Waning Grand Strategy of Democratization: Why a Pivot to the Asia-Pacific Places the United States at Greater Risk of Terrorist Attack." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 13, no. 2 (2014): 51-64.
"Was Putin right about Syria?" The Washington Post (2014).
"Watch Commander: Barack Obama's Secret Terrorist-Tracking System, by the Numbers. Vol. 2015. The Intercept, 2014.
Watching the Eclipse." The New Yorker (2014).
"We Should Beware Russia's Links With Europe’s Right." The Guardian (2014).
"What Are the Economic Consequences of Climate Change?. The Atlantic, 2014.
What Is a “History of the Present”? On Foucault’s Genealogies and Their Critical Preconditions." Punishment & Society 16, no. 4 (2014): 365-384.
"What needs to be done to avoid a repetition of ‘Karbala 2003’? (in Bulgarian) In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2014.
What Russia Wants and Why?" Russia in Global Affairs (2014).
"When Jihadis Come Marching Home. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2014.
Where’s NATO’s Strong Response to Russia’s Invasion of Crimea?" Foreign Policy (2014).
"Which President Cut the Most Nukes?" The New York Times (2014).
"Who are the British Jihadists in Syria?. BBC, 2014.
Who is Martin Couture-Rouleau?. CBC News, 2014.
Who Is the ‘Typical’ Tunisian Jihadist?. Al-Monitor, 2014.
Why Are Africa’s Militaries so Disappointingly Bad?" Foreign Policy (2014).
"Why Caucasus – this is Russia?. Blog RIA Kabardino-Balkariia, 2014.
Why do we need America?" Rossiskaya gazeta (2014).
"Why Is Crimea Different from Scotland or Kosovo?. Vol. 13 March 2014. Radio Free Europe – Radio Liberty (RFERL), 2014.