Export 21426 results:
A Single Act of Justice: How the Age of Terror Transformed the War on Drugs." Foreign Affairs (2013).
"SIPRI Yearbook 2013: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Stockholm: SIPRI, 2013.
Six Admit Planning to Bomb English Defence League Rally. BBC News, 2013.
Slaboe Zveno Centralinoy Azii (The Weak Link of Central Asia)." Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie (2013).
"Smart Coun¬terterrorism: Incorporating the N-order Effects and Adopting a Human Security Perspective." The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 22, no. 1 (2013).
"Smart Defense in the Information Age." per Concordiam, Journal of European Security and Defense Issues 4 (2013).
"Smart Homes Cyberthreats Identification Based on Interactive Training In 3rd International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy an d Education (ICAICTSEE). Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013.
Snowden has started a global debate. Everywhere but here." Guardian (2013): 35.
"Snowden leaks 'worst ever loss to British intelligence'. BBC News, 2013.
Sochi, palm-trees, pyramids." Rossiyskaya gazeta (2013).
"Social cognition: From brains to Culture. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications , 2013.
Social Identity Theory for Investigating Islamic Extremism in the Diaspora." Journal of Strategic Security 6, no. 4 (2013): 67-91.
"SOCTA 2013 EU Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment. EUROPOL, 2013.
Software Test of Wireless Vibration Nodes of Nuclear Power Plants." In Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 336-338., 2013.
"Soldiers Arrested for Aiding Boko Haram. Punch, 2013.
Some Aspects of the Baltic Countries' Pre-and Post-Accession Convergence to the European Union." Baltic Journal of European Studies 3, no. 1 (2013).
"Sour U.S.-Russia Relations Threaten Obama’s Foreign Policy Agenda." Washington Post (2013).
"The South African Cyber Threat Barometer. WolfPack, 2013.
South East Europe 2020: Jobs and Prosperity in a European Perspective. Regional Cooperation Council, 2013.
South Korean Defence Modernisation." Asian Military Review (2013).
"The Spectacular Few: Prisoner Radicalization and the Evolving Terrorist Threat. New York: New York University Press, 2013.
Spies to go under spotlight." Guardian (2013): 1.
"Spy agencies “need to show more leg” says ex-NSA chief." Guardian (2013): 2.
"SSS and security information breach. Punch, 2013.