Export 21422 results:
Evaluating the Resources, Rural Law Enforcement Management Needs to Counter Violent Extremist Behaviors. Colorado Technical University, 2017.
"Everyone Fails Nuclear Weapons Tests Sometimes." Foreign Policy (2017).
"Evidence combination for a large number of sources." In 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion). Xi'an, China , 2017.
"Evidence updating for stream-processing in big-data: Robust conditioning in soft and hard data fusion environments." In 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion). Xi'an, China , 2017.
"The Evolution of the Hybrid Threat, and Resilience as a Countermeasure In Research Paper. Rome: NATO Defense College, 2017.
Evolving Philippines-U.S.-China Strategic Triangle: International and Domestic Drivers." Asian Politics & Policy 9, no. 4 (2017): 564-582.
"Examining ISIS Online Recruitment through Relational Development Theory." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 16, no. 4 (2017): 35-50.
"Examining the Ethics of Government-Organized Nongovernmental Organizations (GONGOs)." Journal Public Integrity 19, no. 5 (2017): 529-546.
"Ex-Bundesanwalt Jost wird Sonderermittler im Fall Amri. BerlinOnline, 2017.
Exercises: Archives., 2017.
Expanding Tolstoy and Shrinking Dostoyevsky. How Russian Actions in the Information Space are Inverting Doctrinal Paradigms of Warfare." Military Review 97, no. 5 (2017): 39-48.
"Experiences in simplifying distributed simulation: The HLA development kit frame-work." Journal of Simulation 11 (2017): 208-227.
"‘Experts’, forgeries and feigned objectivity: How Russian disinformation tools influenced the no-campaign of the Dutch referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement In Russian and Eurasian Studies. Vol. Master. Leiden University, 2017.
Exploration into the Types, Operational Areas, and Peripheral Resources of Cyber Threat Intelligence: An Expert Panel Delphi Study. Northcentral University, 2017.
Exploratory analysis of Time Series for hypothesizes feature values In International Scientific Conference UniTech 2017. Vol. ІІ. Gabrovo: University publishing house V. Aprilov, 2017.
Exploring a Transactional Distance-Based Management Model to Improve Perception of Efficacy Within Designated Corporate Collaboration Communities In Centre for distance education. Vol. Doctor of education. Athabasca University, 2017.
Exploring the Security Vulnerabilities of LoRa In 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF). Exeter, UK, 2017.
External actors' influences on other states' internal political processes: Utkast till introduktionskapitel, Finlandssvenska forskarskolan In Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskaper och ekonomi. Åbo Akademi, 2017.
Facing an Unpredictable Threat: Is NATO Ideally Placed to Manage Climate Change as a Non-Traditional Threat Multiplier?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 16, no. 2 (2017): 59-80.
"Fake News’ and How The Washington Post Rewrote Its Story on Russian Hacking of the Power Grid." Forbes (2017).
"Fall Amri: Grüne attackieren Krafts Gutachter. Express online, 2017.
Fall Amri: Neue Antworten – neue Fragen. Berliner Morgenpost online, 2017.