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"Interview for 24 hours newspaper." 24 hours (2011).
Interview of Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrov on ‘Russia Today’ television channel. Vol. 3 February 2011. Moscow: Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2011.
Interview of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs S.V. Lavrov by moderator of the program ‘Aktual’nyj razgovor’ V. Solovyov, 3 Kanal television company, 323-13-03-2011. Vol. 13 March 2011. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2011.
"Interview with a Fighter’s Wife – ‘The Lofty Woman’." Al-Shamikha 1 (2011).
"Interview with Konstantin Syroyezhkin." ObshestvenniiReiting (2011).
Introducing an e-Health card for Developing Countries: A case study of Bangladesh In Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV). Vol. Master thesis. Stockholm University, 2011.
Introduction: New Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations." European Political Science 10, no. 2 (2011): 131-136.
"An Introduction to the Analysis of Discourse in Civil-Military Relations Research." European Political Science 10, no. 2 (2011): 167-175.
"An Introductory Study to Cyber Security in NEC. Tallinn: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, 2011.
Investigations on Natural Hazards which Trigger Technological Disasters in Romania." National Hazards Earth System Science 11 (2011): 1319-1325.
"The (In)Visibilities of War and Peace: A Critical Analysis of Do¬mi¬nant Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Strategies in the Case of Sudan." In¬ter¬national Journal of Peace Studies 16, no. 2 (2011): 43-57.
"IPA Beneficiary Country Needs Assessment: Montenegro. EU-UNDP, 2011.
IPA Beneficiary Needs Assessment: Albania. UNDP and WMO, 2011.
Iran, Azerbaijan in Tense Caspian Standoff, Cables Show., 2011.
Iranian Foreign Policy towards the South Caucasus: Between Revolutionary Ideals and Realpolitik." Reassessing Security in the South Caucasus (2011).
"Iraq and Afghanistan: Actions Needed to Enhance the Ability of Army Brigades to Support the Advising Mission. Washington, D.C.: GAO, 2011.
The Iraq War and the Arab Spring. Global Brief, 2011.
Islam and the Bomb: Religious Justification For and Against Nuclear Weapons. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School, 2011.
Islamic Fundamentalism in Central Asia: Evaluating Uzbekistan’s Response." E-International Relations (2011).
"ISO 22320:2011 Societal security — Emergency management — Requirements for incident response In First edition. International Organization for Standardization, 2011.
Israeli Settlements Condemned by Western Powers. BBC News , 2011.
Is it Wrong to Say ‘the First Republic Has Ended’?. Milliyet website (Istanbul; in Turkish) , 2011.
Is it Wrong to Say ‘the First Republic Has Ended'. Istanbul; in Turkish: Milliyet website, 2011.
It's All Connected: A Spectators Guide to the Euro Crisis." New York Times (2011).