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EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: It is Time for Change (in Bulgarian) In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2013.
On Strategy., 2013.
Will there be a NATO centre in Bulgaria? (in Bulgarian) In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2013.
Общата политика за сигурност и отбрана на ЕС: време е за промяна In CSDM Views. София: Център за мениджмънт на сигурността и отбраната, 2013.
Context Scenarios and Alternative Future EU Roles as a Global Security Actor In It4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2012.
Methodology for Planning Wartime Defence Capabilities. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, IICT-BAS, 2012.
A Taxonomy of Essential Services." Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, no. 58 (2012): 191-196.
"A Taxonomy of Essential Services." Radioelectronic and Computer Systems 6, no. 58 (2012): 191-196.
"Civilianisation of the Defence Ministry: A Functional Approach to a Modern Defence Institution. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2011.
Civil-Military Interaction at the Core of the EU Comprehensive Approach." NDU Scientific Quarterly 85, no. 4 (2011): 57-81.
"Civil-military interaction in the EU’s comprehensive approach In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2011.
Framework for Analysis of Potential EU Roles in the Comprehensive Approach In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2011.
Towards the exploration of future EU roles as a global security actor In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2011.
Гражданско-военно взаимодействие във всеобхватния подход на ЕС In IT4Sec Reports. София: Институт по информационни и комуникационни технологии, 2011.
Към изследването на бъдещи роли на ЕС като глобален играч в сферата на сигурността In IT4Sec Reports. София: Институт по информационни и комуникационни технологии, 2011.
Потенциални роли на ЕС във всеобхватния подход: Рамка за анализ In IT4Sec Reports. София: Институт по информационни и комуникационни технологии, 2011.
The Role of Ombudsperson Institutions." In Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence: A Compendium of Best Practices, 250-265. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2010.
"Context Scenarios in Long-Term Defense Planning." Information & Security: An International Journal 23, no. 1 (2009): 62-72.
"Effective Defence Policy through Integrated Management, Transparency, and Accountability In Integrity in Defence: Effective, Transparent and Accountable Management. Sofia: Euro-Atlantic Education Initiative, 2009.
Governance, Management, Command, Leadership: Setting the Context for Studies of Defence Management." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 15-43. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009.
"Bulgarian Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008.
Bulgarian Defense Policy and Force Development 2018 . Sofia, Military Publishing House, 2008.