Cybernetic Approach to Developing Resilient Systems: Concept, Models and Application
Publication Type:
Journal ArticleSource:
Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 47, Issue 1, p.77-90 (2020)Keywords:
online verification, resilience, resilience control system, safety, securityAbstract:
The paper contains the results of the development and implementation of a cybernetic approach to the creation of resilient systems. The architecture of a resilient system contains redundant components compared to a traditional feedback control system. This is primarily due to the need to implement additional channels in the control system to respond to changes in requirements, environment, or unspecified faults and failures. The general structure of a resilient system is based on the principle of dividing control channels for functional and non-functional characteristics. This allows to react to changes in the information component of the environment during attacks on the system to ensure its cybersecurity. The case for a space resilient system with online verification is described. Three scenarios of the system behavior to assure resilience are suggested and the first scenario is explored by the use of Markov model. That allows offering options for improving availability function and other indicators of resilient systems.
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