Improved Anonymous Secure e-Voting over a Network
Publication Type:
Journal ArticleSource:
Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.181-195 (2004)Keywords:
anonymity, Blind Signature, e-Voting., ElGamal Public Key Crypto-SystemAbstract:
In a democratic country voting is one of the most important activities. However, many eligible voters do not exercise their right simply because they do not want to visit a public booth where they can vote. In 1981, David Chaum first introduced the concept of electronic voting and attempted to overcome the prob¬lems associated with the traditional voting environment. Hereafter, Mu and Varadharajan proposed in 1998 an anonymous secure e-voting scheme over a net¬work. They claimed that the proposed scheme is not only capable of preventing double voting but it can also protect the privacy of voters. However, many re¬searchers afterwards have discovered that Mu and Varadharajan’s scheme is not se¬cure. Attackers can easily forge a valid ballot and can vote more than once. In this paper, an e-voting scheme based on Mu and Varadharajan’s scheme is proposed that meets the following e-voting requirements: democracy, accuracy, anonymity, mobility and efficiency.
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