Submit a paper
The automated functionality for submiting and tracking a paper is under development. In the meantime, please prepare your paper and an accompanying letter following these instructions and submit them for review by e-mail to:
I&S Managing Editor, E-mail: infosec [at] procon [dot] bg
We accept only original works. It is understood that submitted articles have not been preciously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism and reviewed by at least two reviewers for significance and scholarliness. Every effort is made to inform authors within one month whether a paper is accepted, require revision prior to possible publication, or are rejected.
"Information & Security" is an open-access journal, with no publication charges for authors. However when a paper is accepted, the authors need to provide a fully formatted version for publication following the journal guidelines (download the I&S template) and in a publishable English language. If that is not the case, there is a charge for editing and/or formatting a paper accepted for publication.
Accepted manuscripts may be further edited for adherence to Journal format and style, clarity, syntax, and punctuation.
Authors must transfer copyright in writing to the publisher when an article is accepted for publication.
A print-ready paper is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), published online as a pre-print and included in CrossRef. All I&S articles are indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest, and Google Scholar. When the whole journal issue is ready, page numbers are added to the paper's bibliographic information, while the DOI and the URL remain the same.
I&S also publishes book reviews, documents, and lists of recent relevant publications. It presents scholars, researchers, research centers, companies and products.
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