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Vesselin Petkov
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Ortagus, Megan Leann
The Internet's Impacts on Power Differentials in Security and Conflict
Global Security Studies
. Vol. Masters. Johns Hopkins University, 2014.
Meulenbelt, Stephanie E.
, and
Maarten S. Nieuwenhuizen
Non-State actors’ pursuit of CBRN weapons: From motivation to potential humanitarian consequences
International Review of the Red Cross
97, no. 899 (2015): 831-858.
M. Demirtepe, Turgut
, and
İzzet Ahmet Bozbey
Uzbekistan and the Arab Spring: The Principle of Anna Karenina or the Likelihood of a Potential “Revolution”
Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika
, no. 33 (2013): 89-121.
Yunis, Manal M.
, and
Kai S. Koong
A Conceptual Model for the Development of a National Cybersecurity Index: An Integrated Framework
." In
Twenty-first Americas Conference on Information Systems
. Puerto Rico, 2015.
Finley, IB
An Evaluation of National Cybersecurity Policies for the Maritime Transportation System
." (2017).
Cuong, Ngo Huy
Transnational organized crime, criminal market and criminal liability of legal entities: Three major issues to consider when developing the Penal Code
Legal studies
Akiner, S
Evolution Of Kazakhstan's Foreign Policy: 1991-2011 /Kazakistan Dis Politikasinin Dönüsümü: 1991-2011/
Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Arastirmalari
Souleimanov, Emil Aslan
Making Jihad or Making Money? Understanding the Transformation of Dagestan’s Jamaats into Organised Crime Groups
Journal of Strategic Studiesm
(2015): 1-25.
Souleimanov, Emil A.
The North Caucasus Insurgency: Dead Or Alive?
. Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press, 2017.
Kováčiková, Zuzana
Wahhabi / Salafi rhetoric in the northern part of the Caucasus region
Filozofická Fakulta
. Vol. Bakalárska. Praha: Univerzita Karlova V Praze, 2015.
Benavides, Abraham David
Saleh M. Alhumaid
, and
Emmanuel D. Quainoo
Counterterrorism and Perspectives on Cultural Competency and Representation
." In
Counter Terrorism in Diverse Communities
, 197-216. Vol. 90. IOS Press Ebooks, 2011.
Kaplan, Jeffrey
Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted: Premodern Religious Terrorism
Terrorism and Political Violence
(2017): 1-26.
Andersen, Sharri Suesette
Assessment of Detroit Hospital Preparedness for Response to an Improvised Nuclear Attack
College of Health Sciences
. Vol. doctor. Walden University, 2016.
Duhar, Philippe Eugène
Between Ballots and Bullets: Armed Struggle and Peacemaking in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology. Los Angeles: University of California, 2017.
Graceffo, Antonio
Testing Assumptions in Terrorism
. Shanghai : Jiaotong University, 2015.
Domínguez, José Andrés Ca
O branqueamento de capitais eo financiamento do terrorismo como ameaças à Segurança Nacional
. Vol. Estado-Maior Conjunto. Pedrouços: Instituto De Estudos Superiores Militares, 2014.
After the Election: Fundamental Security Challenges Nigeria Must Face
. Washington, D.C., 2015.
Garcia, Julio
U.S.-Middle East Foreign Relations Needs a Vital Reset
. Vol. Master of Science in Intelligence Management. Henley-Putnam University, 2016.
Luli, Elira
Cases Where Soft Power is Being Ignored
European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
1, no. 1 (2016): 126.
Yarrow, Abdiaziz Bulle
Countering Radicalization And Its Impact On National Security In East Africa: The Case For The Diplomatic Approach In Kenya
College Of Humanities And Social Sciences, Institute Of Diplomacy And International Studies
. Vol. Masters Of Arts In Diplomacy. University Of Nairobi, 2016.
Murray, Stuart
, and
Patrick Blannin
Diplomacy and the war on terror
Small Wars Journal
Libel, Tamir
European Military Culture and Security Governance: Soldiers, Scholars and National Defence Universities
. Routledge, 2016.
Kuzmanov, Zlatko
Challenges facing the Education and Training System in the Defence
Security Dialogues / Безбедносни Дијалози
62, no. 1 (2015): 31-42.
Burton, Joe
NATO after the Cold War: Explaining the Durability of the Atlantic Alliance in a New Global Context
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Otago, 2012.
Wijaya, Pandu
The National Parliaments’ Approval on the EU Member States’ Arms Exports
Faculty of Humanities, International Relations, European Union Studies
. Vol. Master. Leiden University, 2015.
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