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Vesselin Petkov
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Daxner, Michael
, and
Sarah Riese
Long-time Effects from Kosovo, Little Ado About Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sicherheit und Frieden (S+F) / Security and Peace
29, no. 1 (2011).
Feltes, Tilmann
Jugend und Demokratie: die Förderung der Partizipation Jugendlicher durch die internationale Gemeinschaft im Kosovo
Südosteuropäische Hefte
1, no. 2 (2012): 45-57.
Herd, Graeme
Russia's European Security Treaty and the Kyrgyz Crisis
." In
Russia and its Near Neighbours
, 129-150. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Haluani, Makram
¿Euroslavia? El resurgimiento de Rusia y de Alemania y sus respectivos aportes geopolíticos a la eurasiatización de la Europa post-atlántica
Cuestiones Políticas
32, no. 56 (2016): 30-88.
Lovewine, George
Outsourcing the Global War on Terrorism: Private military companies and American intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan
. Springer, 2014.
Tsiftzis, Zafeiris
States' Procedural Obligations Regarding Private Military and Security Companies' Activities
." In
Defending Human Rights and Democracy in the Era of Globalization
, 302-336. IGI Global, 2016.
Beelaert, Jeffrey S.
Legal Accountability of State Department Private Security Contractors in Iraq
The Sanford School of Public Policy
. Vol. Master of Public Policy. Duke University, 2011.
Lisin, Evgeny
Galina Kurdiukova
, and
Wadim Strielkowski
Economic prospects of the power-plant industry development in Russia
Journal of International Studies
Danilin, Ivan V.
State-Owned Enterprises as innovation agents in Russia: new developments or innovation deadend?
., 2014.
de Haan, Lisa
India at war with itself
. Vol. Master in Arts in Conflict Studies & Human Rights. Utrecht University, 2011.
Wingeart, Jason M.
Comparing India's Counterinsurgency Approaches in Sri Lanka and Against the Naxalites
Technical Report
. Fort Leavenworth United States: US Army School for Advanced Military Studies, 2015.
Petriková, Gabriela
Severoatlantická aliance a demokratizace Černé Hory
Fakulta Sociálních Studií, Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a evropských studií, Obor Mezinárodní vztahy
. Vol. Bakalářská. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2016.
Kakachia, Kornely
The return of geopolitics: Georgia in the shadow Russian – Ukrainian conflict
." In
Neighbourhood Perceptions of the Ukraine Crisis: From the Soviet Union into Eurasia?
. Routledge, 2016.
Degaut, Marcos
Carl Meacham, Do the BRICS Still Matter?
. CSIS, 2015.
Sinovets, Polina
From Stalin to Putin: Russian Strategic Culture in the XXI Century, Its Continuity, and Change
Philosophy Study
6, no. 7 (2016): 417-423.
Sărățeanu, Valerică-Iulian
State behavior during the Ukrainian crisis: the perspectives of Romania, France, and the United States
School of Advanced Military Studies
. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2016.
Pontes, Marcos Rosas Dega
Ideas, Beliefs, Strategic Culture, and Foreign Policy: Understanding Brazil's Geopolitical Thought
. University of Central Florida, 2016.
Nieman, Craig M.
Deterrence and Engagement: A Blended Strategic Approach to a Resurgent Russia
Technical Report
. Norfolk United States: National Defense Univ Norfolk VA, 2016.
Degaut, Marcos
The Russian Strategic Culture and the Annexation of Crimea: The Empire Strikes Back?
., 2014.
Harvey, MLLF
The Bear Went Under the Mountain: Hybrid Warfare and the Case of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
. Canadian Forces College, 2016.
Hernández, Francisco José Bere
Consideraciones geoestratégicas y geopolíticas en torno a la energía
. Cuadernos de Estrategia, 2014.
Duvold, Kjetil
, and
Mindaugas Jurkynas
." In
Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe
, 125-166., 2013.
Auers, Daunis
Comparative politics and government of the Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the 21st century
. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
Talts, Mait
Some Aspects of the Baltic Countries' Pre-and Post-Accession Convergence to the European Union
Baltic Journal of European Studies
3, no. 1 (2013).
Schóber, Tomáš
Ivan Koblen
, and
Stanislav Szabo
Present and potential security threats posed to civil aviation
Incas Bulletin
4, no. 2 (2012): 169-175.
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