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Vesselin Petkov
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Fernandez, Lauren
Joseph Barbera
, and
Johan Van Dorp
Strategies for Managing Volunteers during Incident Response: A Systems Approach
Homeland Security Affairs
II, no. 3 (2006).
Bendania, Ahmed
, and
Salem Ahmed Al Dini
Motivation for Volunteerism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
." In
10th ISTR Conference
. Siena: Italy: Siena University, 2012.
Momani, Naill
, and
Mohamad Alzaghal
Early Warning Systems for Disasters in Jordan: Current and Future Trends
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
6, no. 1 (2009).
Marketing), TRAM(Tourism R.
Volunteer tourism. A global analysis
., 2008.
Volunteers), UNV(United Na
Laws and Policies Affecting Volunteerism Since 2001
Research Report
., 2009.
Relations), UPS(U. S. Comm
Volunteer Impact Initiative
., 2003.
J. Kang, Kim
Major contents and issues of a bill: The act on the promotion and safety of leisure sports
The Korean Association of Sports Law
20, no. 2 (2017): 71-91.
Kim, Y.H.
Legal Strategy for the Sake of Safety in the Field of Leisure Sports
Chosun Law Journal
22, no. 2 (2015): 41-75.
A study on the safety status of ATV (All Terrain Vehicle)
. Korea Consumer Agency, 2011.
A study on developing market creation strategy by analysing demand traits of air sports
. Korea Civil Aviation Association and Korea Transport Institute, 2014.
Tollefsen, Tore
, and
Giorgia Cinelli
Moderated discussion: Progress on European Geogenic Radon Mapping
." In
Moderated panel discussion during the 13th International Workshop on the Geological Aspects of Radon Risk Mapping (15-16 September 2016)
. Prague:, 2016.
Association, World Nuclear
Nuclear Power in Ukraine
., 2018.
Verkhovtsev, Valentin
Georgy V. Lysychenko
, and
Yuri L. Zabulonov
Prospects for the development of uranium resource base for nuclear power in Ukraine (in Ukrainian)
. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2014.
Lysychenko, Georgii V.
Yuri Melnik
Oleksandr Lysenko
Tamara Dudar
, and
N. Nikitina
Uranium Ores of Ukraine: Geology, Production, and RAW management (in Ukrainian)
. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2014.
Dudar, Tamara
Yevhen Zakrytnyi
, and
Mihail Bugera
Uranium Mining and Associated Environmental Challenges for Ukraine
Science-Based Technologies
25, no. 1 (2015): 68-73.
Verkhovtsev, Valentin
, and
Yuliia Yusk, iv
Applied (search, engineering-geological and environmental) study aspects of active geostructures of the Ukrainian Shield and its slopes (in Ukrainian)
Ukrainian journal of the earth remote sensing
8 (2016): 1-11.
Verkhovtsev, Valentin
O. Kramar
Yuliia Yusk, iv
Yevhen Krasnov
, and
Yurii Tyshchenko
New tectonics of the Belanovskyi iron and Kremenchuk uranium deposits (in Ukrainian)
Journal of Geophysics
4 (2014): 136-148.
Biriukov, Dmytro
Sergiy Kondratov
Oleg Nasvit
, and
Oleksandr Sukhodolia
The Green Paper on Critical Infrastructure Protection: Analytical report
. Kyiv: NISS, 2015.
On improvement of the measures to ensure protection of critical infrastructure objects (in Ukrainian)
Decree of President of Ukraine
., 2017.
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
. FEMA (Official website of the Department of Homeland Security), 2016.
Sukhodolia, Oleksandr
The energy dimension of war: An overview of the Ukrainian events in 2014–2016
Energy Security: Operational highlights
11 (2017): 25-34.
Kondratov, Sergiy
Introducing Critical Infrastructure Protection Concept in Ukraine: Lessons to Learn
." In
Zelena knyha z pytan zakhystu kritychoy infrastructuru
, 57-65. Kyiv: NISS, 2015.
Sukhodolia, Oleksandr
Protection of critical infrastructure in hybrid warfare: problems and priorities of state policy of Ukraine (in Ukrainian)
Stratehichni priorytety – Strategic Priorities
3 (2016): 62-76.
Bobro, Dmytro
Sergiy Kondratov
Volodymyr Horbulin
, and
Oleksandr Sukhodolia
Developing the Critical Infrastructure Protection System in Ukraine
. Kyiv: NISS, 2017.
The Concept of Building a State Critical Infrastructure Protection System in Ukraine (in Ukrainian)
Resolution of the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine
., 2017.
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