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Vesselin Petkov
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Ponder, Sarah
, and
Jonathan Matusit
Examining ISIS Online Recruitment through Relational Development Theory
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
16, no. 4 (2017): 35-50.
Nasirov, Elman
, and
Khayal Iskandarov
The Prospects of Azerbaijan to Enhance Military Interoperability with NATO
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
16, no. 4 (2017): 89-99.
Kaura, Vinay
India’s Counter-Terrorism Policy against Jihadist Terror: Challenges and Prospects
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
16, no. 4 (2017): 51-67.
Nicolson, Dasha
Foreign Terrorist Fighters from the North Caucasus: Understanding Islamic State Influence in the Region
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
16, no. 4 (2017): 69-88.
Chincholkar, Y. D.
, and
Ayush Kumar
Traffic Sign Board Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles
Automation and Autonomous System
10, no. 6 (2018).
Chincholkar, Y. D.
, and
Ayush Kumar
Traffic Sign Board Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles
Automation and Autonomous System
10, no. 6 (2018).
Selvi, P.Pandi
, and
A New Approach for the Recognition of Characters from Vehicle Number Plate Images using K Nearest Neighbor Classifier and Enhanced Artificial Neural Network
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
118, no. 7 (2018).
Shires, James
Enacting Expertise: Ritual and Risk in Cybersecurity
Politics and Governance
6, no. 2 (2018): 31-40.
Bossong, Raphael
Critical Infrastructure and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: The Hew Frontier of EU Internal Security
." In
Challenges and Critiques of the EU Internal Security Strategy: Rights, Power and Security
. Cambridge, 2017.
Tag Archives: technology
. ATW Learn,, 2012.
Kovačević, Božo
Cyberwar – Američka Izlika za Novi Hladni Rat?
16, no. 2 (2013): 91-110.
Bossong, Raphael
The European Programme for the protection of critical infrastructures–meta-governing a new security problem?
European Security
23, no. 2 (2014).
Read, Oliver
How the 2010 Attack on Google Changed the US Government’s Threat Perception of Economic Cyber Espionage
." In
Cyberspace and International Relations
, 203-230 . Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2014.
Soyer, Hubert
Internet Science Risk, Risk Perception, and Cyberwar
Network Architectures and Services
Lawson, Sean
Putting the “war” in cyberwar: Metaphor, analogy, and cybersecurity discourse in the United States
First Monday
17, no. 7 (2012): 49-73.
Satija, Siddhant
, and
Prabhakar Shukla
Consumer Behaviour and Adoption of M-Commerce
AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research
6 (2018).
Fariborzi, Elham
, and
Hoda Anvari Kazemabad
The Security of Information in Financial Transactions via Mobile: Algorithms
International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security
1, no. 6 (2013): 257-263.
de Amorim, Wellyngton Silva
Isabela Blasi Valduga
João Marcelo Pe Ribeiro
Victoria Guazzelli Williamson
Grace Ellen Krauser
Mica Katrina Magtoto
, and
José Baltazar S. Guerra
The nexus between water, energy, and food in the context of the global risks: An analysis of the interactions between food, water, and energy security
Environmental Impact Assessment Review
72 (2018): 1-11.
Rogito, Pauline Kemunto
Multi-Tiered Security Architecture for Information Infrastructure Protection in Selected Commercial Banks in Kenya
School of Science and Technology
. Vol. Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology. Africa: United States International University, 2017.
Setiawan, Ahmad Budi
Peningkatan Keamanan Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (Scada) Pada Smart Grid Sebagai Infrastruktur Kritis
Jurnal Penelitian Pos & Informatika
6, no. 1 (2016).
Setiawan, Ahmad Budi
Kajian Strategi Pengamanan Infrastruktur Sumber Daya Informasi Kritis
Buletin Pos dan Telekomunikasi
13, no. 1 (2015): 43-60.
Nagyfejeo, Eva
Transatlantic collaboration in countering cyberterrorism
." In
Terrorism Online: Politics, Law and Technology
., 2015.
Njotini, MN
Protecting Critical Databases–Towards a Risk Based Assessment of Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIS) in South Africa
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
16, no. 1 (2013).
Operations and Missions: Past and Present
., 2018.
Guiding Principles for Stabilization & Reconstruction
. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, 2009.
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