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Vesselin Petkov
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Carbo, Javier
José M. Molina
, and
Jorge Davila
Fuzzy counter-offers in agent-mediated negotiations
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
15, no. 2 (2004): 125-131.
Carbo, Javier
José M. Molina
, and
Jorge Davila
Agents arguing about electronic payments in persuasive negotiations
." In
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
. Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia.
Camacho, David
Ricardo Aler
Cesar Castro
, and
José M. Molina
Performance evaluation of ZEUS, Jade, and SkeletonAgent frameworks
." In
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
. Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 2002.
Camacho, David
César Hernández
, and
José M. Molina
Information classification using fuzzy knowledge based agents
." In
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. e-Systems and e-Man for Cybernetics in Cyberspace
. Tucson, AZ, USA, USA , 2001.
Camacho, David
Daniel Borrajo
José M. Molina
, and
Ricardo Aler
Flexible Integration of Planning and Information Gathering
Sixth European Conference on Planning
., 2011.
Lorenzi, Fabiana
Ana L.C.Bazzan
Mara Abel
, and
Francesco Ricci
Improving recommendations through an assumption-based multiagent approach: An application in the tourism domain
Expert Systems with Applications Volume 38, Issue 12
38, no. 12 (2011): 14703-14714.
Lorenzi, Fabiana
Gabriel Baldo
Rafael Costa
Mara Abel
Ana Bazzan
, and
Francesco Ricci
A Trust Model for Multiagent Recommendations
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence
2, no. 4 (2010).
Petit-Roze, Christelle
Abdouroihamane Anli
Emmanuelle Grislin- Le Strugeon
Mourad Abed
Guillaume Uster
, and
Christophe Kolski
Système d'information transport personnalisée à base d'agents logiciels
Revue Génie Logiciel
70 (2004): 29-38.
Nouredine, Gasmallah
, and
Seridi Hassina
Composition of web service based multi-agent
." In
International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems
. Ouarzazate, Morocco .
Camacho, David
Daniel Borrajo
José M. Molina
, and
Ricardo Aler
Abstract planning in dynamic environments
." In
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. e-Systems and e-Man for Cybernetics in Cyberspace
. Tucson, AZ, USA, USA , 2001.
Camacho, David
Ricardo Aler
, and
Rule-Based Parsing for Web Data Extraction
." In
Data Warehousing and Mining: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
., 2008.
Lorenzi, Fabiana
Ana L. C. Bazzan
, and
Mara Abel
Multiagent Truth Maintenance Applied to a Tourism Recommender System
." In
Tourism Informatics: Visual Travel Recommender Systems, Social Communities, and User Interface Design
, 54-72., 2010.
Doo-Ywan, Kim
, and
Kim Tae-Ywan
Evaluation of Classified Information on Web Agent Using Fuzzy Theory
International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
5, no. 3: 216-221.
Clerc, Xavier
Damien Pellier
, and
Humbert Fiorino
Planification multi-agent par cycles de conjecture/réfutation
echnique et Science Informatiques
32, no. 4 (2003): 129-141.
Camacho, David
Ricardo Aler
Cesar Castro
, and
José M. Molina
Analysis of Internet Multi-Agent Based System for Zeus and SkeletonAgent Frameworks
., 2002.
Garcia, Alessandro
Uirá Kulesza
José Sardinha
Carlos Lucena
, and
Ruy Milidiú
The Learning Aspect Pattern
." In
Conference: The 11th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP2004)
., 2004.
Losada, Bell Manrique
Jaime Alberto Guzmán
, and
Francisco Javier Moreno
Planificación de consultas con control de calidad en sistemas de información basados en mediadores
. Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Científico, 2005.
Garcia, Alessandro Fabricio
Objetos e Agentes: Uma Abordagem Orientada a Aspectos
Departamento de informática
. Vol. Tese de doutorado. Rio de Janeiro: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2004.
G Kumar, Saroj
Debasish Ghose
, and
A Vengadarajan
An integrated estimation/guidance approach for seeker-less interceptors
Journal of Aerospace Engineering
229, no. 5 (2014): 891-905.
Radosavljević, Zvonko
Analiza primene IMM algoritma za praćenje manevrišućih ciljeva
Vojnotehnički glasnik
3-4 (2005).
Gonnouni, Amina El
, and
Frederic Lehmann
Deghosting method for multiple target tracking in a single frequency network
." In
2014 International Radar Conference
. Lille, France , 2014.
liang, Jing Pei
Xu Shi you
Li Xian
, and
Chen Zeng-ping
Performance Evaluation of Multiple Target Tracking: A Survey (多目标跟踪性能评估方法综述)
. Changsha, Hunan: National University of Defense Technology, 2010.
Eliseev, Alexandr
, and
Alexandr Prygunov
Algorithm for Controlling Parameters of Linear Filter Based on Fuzzy Expert System
." In
XIII International Scientific-Technical Conference “Dynamic of Technical Systems” (DTS-2017)
., 2017.
Naidu, VPS
, and
G. Girija
Implementation of IMMPDAF Algorithm in LabVIEW for Multi Sensor Single Target Tracking
." In
Second International Conference on Cognition and Recognition – ICCR08
. Mandya: PES College of Engineering, 2008.
Naidu, VPS
Maneuvering Target Tracking using Fusion of Radar and IRST Sensor Measurements
IETE Journal of Education
51, no. 2-3 (2010).
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