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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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De Nicola, Antonio
Alberto Tofani
Giordano Vicoli
, and
Maria Luisa Villani
An MDA-based Approach to Crisis and Emergency Management Modeling
International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems
5, no. 1 & 2 (2012): 89-100.
Ma, C.
H.-B. Sun
T.-Y. Xiao
, and
W.-H. Fan
Novel model-driven joining technology for cloud manufacturing federations
Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
18, no. 7 (2012): 1536-1546.
Çetinkaya, Deniz
A Metamodel for The High Level Architecture Object Model
The graduate school of natural and applied sciences
. Vol. Master of science in computer engineering. Middle east technical university, 2005.
Çelik, Turgay
Göktuğ F. Gökdoğan
, and
Karahan Öztürk
An HLA-based tactical environment application framework
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology
10, no. 3 (2013): 217-233.
Tingxue, Xu
Zhao Jianzhong
Yu Renbo
, and
Gu Junyuan
Design and Implementation of HLA-Based Military and Civilian Integrated Maintenance Support Simulation System for Missile Equipment (基于HLA的导弹装备军民一体化维修保障仿真系统设计与实现)
System Engineering Theory and Practice
3 (2013).
Xuefeng, Yan
, and
Fēng Bái Hǎi
Research and Implementation of Simulation Model Transformation Framework Based on MDA (基于MDA的仿真模型转换框架研究与实现)
Journal of System Simulation
9 (2011).
Xiao, Ma Cheng
, and
Tianyuan Fan Yenhui
Research on two-layer HLA technology based on MDA (基于MDA的两层HLA技术研究)
Journal of System Simulation
11 (2010).
Cheng, Ma
Sun Hongbo
Xiao Tianyuan
Fan Wenhui
, and
Li Li
A model-driven cloud manufacturing federated access technology (一种模型驱动的云制造联邦接入技术)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing System
7 (2012).
Al-Hakkak, Nada M.
, and
Nawal A. Ibrahim
UML-XML for Discrete Event Simulation with Automatic Code Generation Ability
Iraq Academic Scientific Journal
25 (2010): 415-430 .
Park, Sanghun
Wontae Kim
, and
Insung Ihm
Mobile collaborative medical display system
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
89, no. 3 (2008): 248-260.
van Tonder, Bradley
, and
Janet Wesson
Using adaptive interfaces to improve mobile map-based visualisation
SAICSIT '08 Annual research conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists on IT research in developing countries: riding the wave of technology
. Wilderness, South Afric, 2008.
Ehret, J.
A. Ebert
L. Schuchardt
H. Steinmetz
, and
H. Hagen
Context-Adaptive Mobile Visualization and Information Management
." In
IEEE Visualization 2004
. Austin, TX, USA, USA , 2004.
Pattath, Avin
Interactive visualization for mobile visual analytics
Engineering, Computer, Computer Science
. Vol. Ph.D. Purdue University, 2010.
van Tonder, Bradley
, and
Janet Wesson
Adaptive Interfaces for Mobile Map-based Visualisation
., 2019.
Popa, Mircea
Anca Sorana Popa
, and
Horia Ciocarlie
Software Interface for Pocket PC Based Mobile Telephony
4th WSEAS Int. Conference on Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications
. Venice, Italy, 2006.
Chang, Ming-Hsin
I-Te Chen
, and
Ming-Te Chen
Design of Proxy Signature in ECDSA
." In
Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
. Kaohsiung, Taiwan , 2008.
Fazlagic, Samir
Delegating signing capability in workflow systems
." In
2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology
. Chengdu, China , 2010.
Chang, Ming-Hsin
I-Te Chen
, and
Ming-Te Chen
Enhance ECDSA to Identity-based Proxy Signature Scheme
Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS)
5 (2010).
Fazlagic, Samir
Narcis Behlilovic
, and
Sasa Mrdovic
Controlled Delegation of Signature in Workflow Systems
." In
20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR)
. Belgrade, Serbia , 2012.
Chen, I-Te
Studies on Proxy Signatures with/without Proactive Property
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science. HsinChu, Taiwan, Republic of China: National Chiao Tung University, 2005.
Chang, Ming-Hsin
On Proxy Signatures with Forward-Secure and One-time Properties and their Applications in PKI
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Information Engineering. Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China: National Chiao Tung University, 2005.
Cuoco, Elia
La Formazione A Distanza Per il Personale delle Forze Armate: Un Programma per il Futuro
Informazioni della Difesa
6 (2010).
О.В., Данилова
Синица К. М.
, and
Мартынов Д.В.
Использование компетентностного подхода при создании учебного он-лайн курса ELTEC
Образовательные технологии и общество
11, no. 3 (2008).
Подгорнов, А
, and
К Синица
Object Orchestrator—приложение для создания и поддержки учебного материала
Образовательные технологии и общество
8, no. 3 (2005).
de Oliveira, Francisco H. ´elio
Lais Nascimento Salvador
, and
Renato Lima Novais
Um Experimento com a Ontologia IMS LD na Construç ao de Modelos Conceituais para E-learning
., 2012.
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