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Vesselin Petkov
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Borra, Surekha
Viswanadha Raju S.
, and
Lakshmi H.R.
Visual Cryptography Based Lossless Watermarking for Sensitive Images
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing. SEMCCO 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
. Vol. 9873. Cham: Springer, 2015.
Maiti, Chinmay
, and
Bibhas Chandra Dhara
A binary watermarking scheme using quantization levels of BTC-PF method
." In
International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems (CODIS)
. Kolkata, India , 2012.
Maiti, Chinmay
, and
Bibhas Chandra Dhara
A Robust Binary Watermarking Scheme Using BTC-PF Technique
Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems. ICECCS 2012. Communications in Computer and Information Science
. Vol. 305. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
Tu, Shu-Fen
, and
Ching-Sheng Hsu
A VC-Based Copyright Protection Scheme for Digital Images of Multi-Authorship
World Congress on Engineering, WCE 2007
. Vol. I. London, U.K., 2007.
Ra, Kim Mi
Desires of Residential Mobility and the Related Variables among the Rental Apartment Residents (임대아파트 거주자의 주거이동 희망 여부와 관련 변인 )
Journal of Korean Home Management Association
21, no. 4: 11-21.
Kim, Cheonshik
Data Hiding Based on BTC using EMD
The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
14, no. 2: 11-16 .
Mingfang, Jiang
, and
Zhu Ningbo
Image fragile watermarking algorithm based on BTC domain (基于 BTC 域的图像脆弱水印算法)
Science and Technology and Engineering
3 (2009).
Saleh, Noura A.
Hoda N. Boghdady
Samir I. Shaheen
, and
Ahmed M. Darwish
A Quasi-Lossless Data Embedding Technique Based on Euclidean Distance Calculation
." In
The International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems, and Technologies (SECUREWARE 2007)
. Valencia, Spain , 2007.
Maiti, Chinmay
, and
Bibhas Chandra Dhara
A grayscale watermark technique using sub-sampling and singular value decomposition
." In
International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET)
. Chennai, India , 2016.
Kim, Cheonshik
Minho Jo
You-Sik Hong
, and
Hyun-Sook Park
Data Hiding Based on EMD for Ordered Block Truncation Coding (ODBTC를 위한 EMD 기법에 기반한 데이터 은닉 )
The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea - Computer and Information
46, no. 6 (2009): 27-34.
Mohammad, Nur
Xingming Sun
, and
Hengfu Yang
An Excellent Image Data Hiding Algorithm Based on BTC
Information Technology Journal
10, no. 7 (2011): 1415-1420.
Saleh, Noura A.
Hoda N. Boghdady
Samir I. Shaheen
, and
Ahmed M. Darwish
A Quasi-Lossless Data Embedding Technique for Color Palletized Images
." In
IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications
. Dubai, United Arab Emirates , 2007.
Manaf, Azizah Abdul
Ali Boroujerdizade
, and
Seyed Mojtaba Mousavi
Review of Robust Video Watermarking Methods for Copyright Protection Application
International Journal of Video&Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS
16, no. 3 (2016).
Tohidi, Faranak
Ownership Authentication by Digital Image Watermarking Based on Block Truncation Coding
Advanced Informatics School
. Vol. Master of Computer Science (Information Security). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2012.
Guo, Jing-Ming
, and
Yun-Fu Liu
Majority-Parity-Guided Watermarking for Block-Truncated Images
." In
Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security
. Xi'an, China , 2009.
Kim, Cheonshik
YongSoo Choi
Hyoung-Joong Kim
Dongkyoo Shin
, and
Dongil; Shin
Reversible Data Hiding for Halftone Images Using Histogram Modification
International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information; Koganei
16, no. 3 (2013): 1861-1872.
Yang, Hengfu
, and
Guang SUN
High capacity data hiding scheme in BTC domain combining visual perception
Computer Engineering and Applications
3 (2011): 165-168.
Moro, Dulce Rosario He
Algoritmo de marca de agua para im´agenes en escala de grises basado en secreto compartido visual y puntos caracter´ısticos
. Vol. Maestra en ciencias en el a´ rea de ciencias computacionales. Instituto Nacional de Astrof´ısica , O´ ptica y Electro´nica Tonantzintla, Puebla, 2008.
Wei, Sa
Tao Zhang
Chao Feng
, and
Zhang-Ming Sun
A multi-purpose audio watermarking algorithm based on DWT domain (一种基于DWT域的多目的彩色音频水印算法)
Information Technology
, no. 7 (2015): 12-16.
Jingming, Guo
Research on Printing Efficiency, Quality Improvement, and Hybrid Application of High-Efficiency Compression and Watermarking Technologies Based on Error-Diffusion (以錯誤擴散法為核心之列印效率、品質改進並結合高效率壓縮技術與數位浮水印技術混成應用之研究)
Executive: Department of Electrical Engineering
. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2007.
Smirnov, Alexander
Tatiana Levashova
Mikhail Pashkin
Nikolai Shilov
, and
Anna Komarova
Disaster response based on production network management tasks
Management Research News
30, no. 11 (2007): 829-842.
Smirnov, Alexander
Mikhail Pashkin
Tatiana Levashova
Nikolay Shilov
, and
Alexey Kashevnik
Role-Based Decision Mining for Multiagent Emergency Response Management
Autonomous Intelligent Systems: Multi-Agents and Data Mining. AIS-ADM. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
. Vol. 4476. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
Smirnov, Alexander
Mikhail Pashkin
Nikolay Shilov
Tatiana Levashova
, and
Alexey Kashevnik
Intelligent Support for Distributed Operational Decision Making
9th International Conference on Information Fusion
. Florence, Italy, 2006.
Smirnov, Alexander
Mikhail Pashkin
Nikolay Shilov
, and
Tatiana Levashova
Integrated technology for distributed operational decision support systems
IEEE/SMC International Conference on System of Systems Engineering
. Los Angeles, CA, USA , 2006.
Smirnov, Alexander
Mikhail Pashkin
Nikolai Shilov
, and
Tatiana Levashova
Intelligent Support of Context-Based Megadisaster Management: Hybrid Technology and Case Study
Proceedings ISCRAM2007
., 2007.
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