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Vesselin Petkov
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Amfilohije osudio politiku Crne Gore prema Rusiji [Amfilohije Condemned Montenegro’s Policy Towards Russia]
. Blic, 2014.
Čepurin: CG u NATO-majmunska posla [Chepurin: Montenegro in NATO – Monkey Buisness]
. RTCG, 2013.
Nesterenko: Sankcije Crne Gore biće dio zajedničke istorije [Nesterenko: The Sanctions by Montenegro Will Be Part of the Common History]
. Radio Televizija Republike Srpske, 2014.
Redžić, Nebojša
Podgorica odgovara na kritiku Moskve [Podgorica responds to the Critique by Moscow]
. Voice of America, 2014.
Rukovodstvo SNP-a putuje u Moskvu da se ogradi od Đukanovića, Danilović tvrdi da se premijer preigrao [The Leadership of SNP Travels to Moscow to Demonstrate it Differs from Djukanovic, Danilovic Claims that the Prime Minister Has Overplayed It]
Portal Analitika
. Portal Analitika, 2014.
NATO’s Planned Balkan Expansion a ‘Provocation’: Russia’s Lavrov
. Reuters, 2014.
Are We Supposed to Betray Ourselves in Order to Avoid Betraying Russia?
. Portal CDM, 2016.
Statement by Montenegro’s Foreign Ministry Regarding DPM of Russia Dmitry Rogozin’s Claims
. Government of Montenegro, 2016.
Rešetnjikov: U Crnoj Gori može biti krvoprolića [Reshetnikov: There May Be a Bloodbath in Montenegro]
. Portal Analitika, 2016.
Bartz, Joachim
Arndt Ginzel
, and
Christian Rohde
Frisches Geld aus Moskau: Wie Russland antiwestliche Bewegungen in Europa finanziert [Fresh Money from Moscow: How Russia Funded Anti-Western Movements in Europe]
. ZDF, 2017.
Vasovic, Aleksandar
Montenegro PM Accuses Russia of Financing anti-NATO Campaign
. Reuters, 2016.
Mandić: Iscenirani, skandalozni državni udar u organizaciji Đukanovića produbio krizu u CG [Mandic: Staged, Scandalous State Coup Organized by Djukanovic Deepens the Crisis in Montenegro]
. Portal Vijesti, 2016.
Uz blagoslov Mitropolita Amfilohija potpisana Lovćenska deklaracija [The Lovcen Declaration was Signed with the Blessing of Bishop Amfilohije]
. Demokratska narodna partija, 2016.
Moscow Perplexed by Russia’s Accusation of Provoking Protests in Montenegro
. Interfax, Russia beyond the Headlines, 2015.
Krcic, Esad
Demokratski principi i ruski sentimenti [Democratic Principles and Russian Sentiments]
. Radio Slobodna Evropa, 2016.
Janković, Srđan
Pristupanje Crne Gore NATO savezu napreduje, opozicija oštro protiv [Montenegro’s Accession to the NATO Alliance is Progressing, the Opposition is Strongly Against]
. Radio Slobodna Evropa, 2016.
Brajović, Rada
, and
Savo Njunjić
Katnić: Politička struktura iz CG uključena u pokušaj rušenja vlasti [Katnić: A Political Organization in Montenegro is Involved in the Attempt to Destroy Government]
. Portal Vijesti, 2016.
Schindler, John R.
Putin’s Balkan Terror Plot Exposed
. Observer, 2017.
Russia Says It Won’t Extradite Suspect in Montenegro Alleged Coup Attempt
. Radio Free Europe, 2017.
Montenegro Accuses Russia of Masterminding Coup Attempt
. Fox News, 2017.
Železnjak i crnogorska opozicija podržali referendum o NATO [Zeleznyak and the Montenegrin Opposition Backed a Referendum on NATO]
. Blic, 2017.
Tomović, Predrag
Moskva prijeti najmlađoj NATO članici [Moscow Threatens the Youngest NATO Member]
. Radio Slobodna Evropa, 2017.
Moskva: Imamo pravo da odgovorimo na neprijateljsku politiku Podgorice [Moscow: We Have the Right to Respond to the Hostile Policies of Podgorica]
. Portal Vijesti, 2017.
Crosby, Alan
, and
Lela Scepanovic
Kremlin’s Diplomatic Sour Grapes Leave Bad Taste for Montenegrin Winemaker
. Radio Free Europe, 2017.
Montenegro’s Accession to NATO is ‘One of the Biggest Betrayals in History’
. Sputnik News, 2017.
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