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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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Ланде, Дмитро
Олег Андрійчук
Олег Дмитренко
Віталій Циганок
, and
Ярослава Порпленко
Побудова баз знань систем підтримки прийняття рішень з використанням направлених мереж термінів при дослідженні інформаційних операцій
Information Technology and Security
8, no. 2 (2020).
Chen, Zhiyuan
Waleed Mahmoud Soliman
Amril Nazir
, and
Mohammad Shorfuzzaman
Variational Autoencoders and Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for Improving the Anti-Money Laundering Process
IEEE Access
9 (2021): 83762-83785.
Jean-Pierre, Jermaine Jewel
User Awareness and Knowledge of Cybersecurity and the Impact of training in the Commonwealth of Dominica
. Vol. Doctoral Dissertation. Walden University , 2021.
Вахью, И.
Проблема международных киберугроз для критической информационной инфраструктуры национальных государств и проблема выработки эффективных международных мер противодействия
. Vol. бакалавр. Томск: Томский Государствнный Университет, 2021.
Marcelino, Henriques Manuel
Segurança cibernética e ciberdefesa em Moçambique: fundamentos, características e desafios
Faculdade de ciências econômicas, Programa de pós-graduação em estudos estratégicos internacionais
. Maputo: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , 2021.
Srivatanakul, Thitima
, and
Fenio Annansingh
Incorporating active learning activities to the design and development of an undergraduate software and web security course
Journal of Computers in Education
Ho, Shuyuan Mary
, and
Melissa Gross
Consciousness of cyber defense: A collective activity system for developing organizational cyber awareness
Computers & Security
108 (2021).
Dang, Tran Khanh
, and
Thu Anh Duong
An effective and elastic blockchain-based provenance preserving solution for the open data
International Journal of Web Information Systems
Hadwer, Ali Al
Madjid Tavan
Dan Gillis
, and
Davar Rezania
A Systematic Review of Organizational Factors Impacting Cloud-based Technology Adoption Using Technology-Organization-Environment Framework
Internet of Things
15 (2021).
McDonald, Edward
Energy Security in the Age of Interconnection: Cyber-threat Framing in British Political Discourse
Faculty of Social Studies
. Vol. Master's Thesis. Masaryk University, 2019.
Żywiołek, Justyna
Social Media about the Company's Image as an Element of Specific Development
Daud, Afrianto
, and
Mirza Hardian
The Application of Basic Principles of Online Learning Through Google Suite for Education During Covid19 Outbreak
Jurnal TA’DIB
24, no. 1 (2021).
Borissova, Daniela
, and
Zornitsa Dimitrova
An integrated group decision-making approach considering uncertainty conditions
." In
24th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2021)
., 2021.
Manns, Gary
The Adoption of Cybersecurity in Small- to Medium-Sized Businesses: A Correlation Study
School of Business, Technology, and Health Care Administration
. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Capella Universit, 2021.
Deák, Veronika
Simulation framework for practical cyber security training in the public service
Security and Defence Quarterly
33 (2021).
Tao, Feng
Muhammad Shoaib Akhtar
, and
Zhang Jiayuan
The future of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Survey
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologie
Ranaweera, Pasika
Anca Jurcut
, and
Madhusanka Liyanage
MEC Enabled 5G Use Cases: A Survey on Security Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures
., 2021.
Mukhtarkhanova, A.
Жоғары оқу орындарында ағылшын тілін онлайн оқытуда қолданылатын бағдарламалардың ерекшеліктері
Вестник КазНУ. Серия педагогическая
Rahouti, Mohamed
Kaiqi Xiong
, and
Jing Lin
Leveraging a cloud-based testbed and software-defined networking for cybersecurity and networking education
Engineering Reports
., 2021.
Tagarev, Todor
Academic ICT Research for Defence and Security
." In
Research in Computer Science in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
, 471-491., 2021.
Bakhov, Ivan
Natalia Opolska
Mira Bogus
Viktoriia Anishchenko
, and
Yulia Biryukova
Emergency Distance Education in the Conditions of COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience of Ukrainian Universities
Education Sciences
11, no. 7 (2021).
Fernandes, Nuno Fernando R.
A prevenção eo combate de ameaças híbridas: identificar instrumentos de medida: variáveis e indicadores de resiliência do instrumento de poder económico face às ameaças híbridas
Departamento De Estudos Pós-Graduados
. Pedrouços : Instituto Universitário Militar, 2021.
Giulia Inzerilli
Enrico Scatto
Alessandro Calabrese
Andrea Lucariello
Giulia Brutti
, and
Priscilla Roscioli
Passive and active training approaches for critical infrastructure protection
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
63 (2021).
Dias, Luís Filipe Xav
A prevenção e o combate de ameaças híbridas: identificar instrumentos de medida: variáveis e indicadores de resiliência nacionais face às ameaças híbridas (informacional)
Departamento De Estudos Pós-Graduados
. Pedrouços: Instituto Universitário Militar , 2021.
Ghahfarokhi, Anahita Farhang
Taha Mansouri
Mohammad Reza Sadeg Moghaddam
Nila Bahrambeik
Ramin Yavari
, and
Mohammadreza Fani Sani
Credit card fraud detection using asexual reproduction optimization
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The Age of Post-Truth: State Influence and Strategic Communication - Contemporary Security Challenges on Europe’s Eastern Flank:
How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
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