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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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Mashiane, Thulani
, and
Elmarie Kritzinger
Identifying behavioral constructs in relation to user cybersecurity behavior
Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences
, no. 2 (2021): 98-122.
Rajamäki, Jyri
, and
Harri Ruoslahti
ECHO Federated Cyber Range as a Tool for Validating SHAPES Services
." In
European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
., 2021.
Hidalgo, Steve
Implementing Cybersecurity Measures in New Information Technology Systems: A Generic Qualitative Inquiry
. Vol. Doctor of Information Technology. Hidalgo, Steve. Capella University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021.
Ahmed, Mansoor
Kainat Ansar
Cal B. Muckley
Abid Khan
Adeel Anjum
, and
Muhammad Talha
A semantic rule based digital fraud detection
PeerJ Computer Science
Hu, Shaoyong
Jiang Wang
Yuchen Wang
, and
Song Tian
Stability Limits for the Velocity Orientation Autopilot of Rolling Missiles
IEEE Access
9 (2021).
Huang, Juanjuan
Information Dissemination Control Algorithm of Ecological Changes in the New Media Communication Environment
Mobile Information Systems
2021 (2021).
Paladin, Zdravko
Andrej Mihailović
Nexhat Kapidani
David Merino Delgado
Juan Manuel Gre Nogueron
Giuseppe Vella
Marios Moutzouris
, and
Roberto Leuzzi
Augmenting maritime Command and Control over a regional Common Information Sharing Environment implementation: Montenegro Case
NMIOTC Journal
22 (2021): 20-29.
Díaz, Claudia Forte
La gobernanza de las migraciones en la Unión Europea: Un análisis de la propuesta del Nuevo Pacto Europeo sobre Migración y Asilo desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos
Instituto de Derechos Humanos “Gregorio Peces-Barba”
. Vol. Máster., 2021.
Deng, Xinyang
, and
Yebi C. U. I. Wen Jiang
An ECR-PCR rule for fusion of evidences defined on a non-exclusive framework of discernment
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Tomura, Nozomi
Saki Uehara
Konosuke Kaneta
Ryosuke Hara
Ryogo Sasaki
Maho Tsuchida
Ayu Shibuya
, and
Maiko Yamashita
Construction of The E-Government -Case Study of Japan and Estonia
International Journal for Applied Information Management
1, no. 3 (2021): 145-151.
Skillicorn, David B.
Cyberspace, Data Analytics, and Policing
. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Vuletic, Dejan
, and
Branislav Đorđević
Problemi i izazovi upravljanja internetom na međunarodnom nivou
Medjunarodni problemi
LXXIII, no. 2 (2021): 235-258.
Sharkov, George
Christina Todorova
Georgi Koykov
, and
Georgi Zahariev
Hybrid Exercising for Cyber-Resilient Healthcare and Cross-Sector Crisis Response Operability
Information Systems and Grid Technologies ISTG, CEUR Workshop Proceedings
. Vol. 933., 2021.
Raub, Allen Edward
Information Technology Service Continuity Practices in Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
College of Management and Technology
. Walden University , 2021.
Herath, Thilini Bhagya Got
The recommended cybersecurity practices for Facebook users from users’ point of view
Research Project– INFO901
. Centre for Information Technology, 2021.
Apostolidis, Kyriakos D.
, and
George A. Papakostas
A Survey on Adversarial Deep Learning Robustness in Medical Image Analysis
10, no. 2132 (2021).
Zhou, Ya
, and
Xiaobo Jiao
Intelligent analysis system for signal processing tasks based on LSTM recurrent neural network algorithm
Neural Computing and Applications
Mùrino, G
M Ribaudo
SP Romano
, and
A Tacchella
OT Cyber Security Frameworks Comparison Tool (CSFCTool)
." In
ITASEC’21, Italian Conference on Cybersecurity,
., 2021.
Ivanov, Svetoslav
, and
Pavel Petrov
Development of Software Systems by Using Interaction Business Scenarios
." In
10th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE– 2020)
. Sofia,Bulgaria: University of National and World Economy , 2020.
Petrov, Pavel
, and
Svetoslav Ivanov
Nature and Main Features of Technology Startups
." In
10th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE– 2020)
. Sofia,Bulgaria: University of National and World Economy , 2020.
Mateeva, Gergana
Dimitar Parvanov
, and
Todor Balabanov
Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization Efficiency According to Pseudo-Random Number Generator Quality
Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics
76: 39-46.
Fadli, Muhammad Hanifudin
Dadang Gunawan
Romie Oktovianus Bura
, and
Larasmoyo Nugroho
Design and Implementation of Anti-Tank Guided-Missile (ATGM) Control System Using Semi-Automatic Command Line of Sight (SACLOS) Method Based on Digital Image Processing
Jurnal Pertahanan
7, no. 2 (2021).
Amankwa, Eric
Relevance of Cybersecurity Education at Pedagogy Levels in Schools
Journal of Information Security
12, no. 4 (2021).
Dimitrova, Zornitsa
Daniela Borissova
, and
Vasil Dimitrov
Design of Web Application with Dynamic Generation of Forms for Group Decision-Making
." In
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management. CISIM 2021
., 2021.
Чечуй, ОВ
ДС Комін
, and
ВД Ревенко
Формалізована модель оцінки гарантій інформаційної безпеки в системах захищеної ІР-телефонії
Збірник наукових праць Харківського національного університету Повітряних Сил
3, no. 69 (2021).
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