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Vesselin Petkov
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This is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc.
Carter, David L.
Law Enforcement Intelligence: A Guide for State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies
. Second ed. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, 2009.
Ex-CIA agent convicted of Italian kidnapping and held in Panama returning to US
. Vol. March 22, 2014. FOX News, 2013.
Italy Convicts 23 Americans for C.I.A. Renditions
New York Times
Best, Richard A.
Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Countering Transnational Threats to the U.S
Report for Congress
. Congressional Research Service, 2001.
Buruma, Ybo
Accountability for Human Rights in the World of Intelligence. Some Tentative Conclusions
The Netherlands, International Symposium
. Law Faculty of the Radboud University, 2007.
Zlateva, Plamena
Lyubka Pashova
Krasimir Stoyanov
, and
Dimiter Velev
Fuzzy Logic Model for Natural Risk Assessment in SW Bulgaria
2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology
. Vol. IPCSIT vol.13 . IACSIT Press, Singapore, 2011.
Zlateva, Plamena
Lyubka Pashova
Krasimir Stoyanov
, and
Dimiter Velev
Assessment from Natural Hazards Using Fuzzy Logic
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity
1 , no. 3 (2011).
Georgescu, Emil-Sever
, and
Antonios Pomonis
A review of socio-economic consequences, losses and human casualties of the 1977 Vrancea
romania earthquake, CONSTRUCŢII
2 (2011).
Tagarev, Todor
, and
Petya Ivanova
Classic, Modern, and Post-modern Approaches to Making Security Strategy
First International Seminar with Discussion on Security Policy
. Vol. 7. Bulgaria, 2009.
Sarfaraz, Matin
Brian J. Sauser
, and
Edward W. Bauer
Using System Architecture Maturity Artifacts to Improve Technology Maturity Assessment, Procedia Computer Science
Conference on Systems Engineering Research
. Vol. 8., 2012.
Pyman, Mark
, and
Anne-Christine Wegener
Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence and Security: 20 Practical Reforms
." In
Foreword by Lord Robertson of Port Ellen (London: Transparency International, February 2011)
., 2011.
Stoykov, Sevdalin
Smart Defense in the Information Age, per Concordiam, Journal of European Security and Defense Issues
The Future of NATO
. Vol. 4., 2010.
Tagarev, Todor
Countering Corruption in the Defence Sector: Main Risks and Challenges
." In
International Conference “Strengthening Integrity and Combating Corruption in Ukraine’s Defence Sector"
. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2011.
Mednikarov, Boyan
Nikola Stoyanov
, and
Kalin Kalimov
Challenges to Education and Training in the Field of Harbour Protection Security
Universitatii Maritime Constanta. Analele; Constanta
10, no. 12 (2009): 97-102.
Gagain, Michael
CURRENT DEVELOPMENT: Neglected Waters: Territorial Maritime Piracy And Developing States: Somalia, Nigeria, and Indonesia 2010
New England Journal of International and Comparative Law
Shalamanov, Velizar
Civil Security and Crisis Management: The Concept Development and Experimentation Process in Bulgaria (Role of the US, NATO and the EU in SEE)
." In
The fight against terrorism and crisis management in the Western Balkans
, 147-164 . IOS Press.
Park, Insu
Raj Sharman
H. R. Rao
, and
Shambhu Upadhyaya
The Impact of Interdependent Risk on Health Care Information Infrastructure Effectiveness
2nd Annual Symposium on Information Assurance, Academic Track of 10th Annual NYS Cyber Security Conference Empire State Plaza Albany
. USA: NY, 2007.
Park, Insu
Raj Sharman
H. R. Rao
, and
Shambhu Upadhyaya
The Impact of Interdependent Risk on Health Care Information Infrastructure Effectiveness
2nd Annual Symposium on Information Assurance, Academic Track of 10th Annual NYS Cyber Security Conference Empire State Plaza Albany
. USA: NY, 2007.
Wilson, Clay
Cyber Threats to Critical Information Infrastructure
." In
, 123-136. New York, NY, USA: Springer, 2014.
Bennett, Rohan
Nilofer Tambuwala
Abbas Rajabifard
Jude Wallace
, and
Ian Williamson
On recognizing land administration as critical, public good infrastructure
Land Use Policy
30, no. 1 (2013): Elsevier.
Hua, Jian
, and
Sanjay Bapna
The economic impact of cyber terrorism
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Tagarev, Todor
, and
Boyan Mednikarov
Planning of Security Sector Capabilities for Protection of Maritime Sovereignty
." In
Scientific Support for the Decision Making in the Security Sector
., 2010.
Pavlov, Georgi
Информационно осигуряване за отбраната и сигурността – проблеми и перспективи, Актуални проблеми на икономиката на отбраната и сигурността
. София: Университетско издателство „Стопанство”, 2010.
Todor, Tagarev
Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence: A Compendium of Best Practices
. Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2010.
Pantev, Plamen
Valeri Ratchev
Todor Tagarev
, and
Viara Zaprianova
Civil Society Security Expertise. Role of ThinkTanks and Activist NGOs
C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y R E L A T I O N S A N D D E M O C R A T I C C O N T R O L O F T H E S E C U R I T Y S E C T O R
. Vol. A Handbook for Military Officers, Servicemen and Servicewomen of the Security and Intelligence Agencies, and for Civilian Politi. Sofia, 2005.
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