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Dillon, Michael. "Xinjiang and the ‘War against Terror’: We Have Terrorists Too." The World Today 58, no. 1 (2002).
Yearbook on South-East European Defence Spending, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe . Sofia, Bulgaria: Budget Transparency Initiative, 2002.
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Gradziuk, Artur, and Katarzyna Sochacka. "Zagadnienie integracji walutowej w Unii Europejskiej na przykładzie Danii, Szwecji i Wielkiej Brytanii." Biuletyn PISM 70 (2002).
Dworecki, Stanislaw. "Zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa państwa." In Słownik terminów z zakresu bezpieczeństwa narodowego, 16. Warsaw: AON, 2002.
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Shalamanov, Velizar. "Международно взаимодействие в модернизацията на въоръжените сили." Военен журнал 109, no. 2 (2002): 92-99.
Hadjitodorov, Stefan, and Kiril Stoychev. "Науката в подкрепа на планирането на модернизацията." Военен журнал 109, no. 2 (2002): 111-114.
Kissinger, Henry. Политиката. София, 2002.
Bush, George W.. "Address to Joint Session of Congress." Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001 United States Department of State: Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism (2001).
Morarjee, Rachel. "AFP: PRC Web surfers call for PRC to ‘Play Hardball’ with U.S. on Air Collision." Hong Kong, 2001.
Piadyshev, Boris. "After the Terrorist Attacks." International Affairs 47, no. 5 (2001).
G. Ikenberry, John. After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order After Major Wars. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001.
Air Force is Problematic Part of Czech Army. Prague: Czech News Agency CTK National News Wire, 2001.
Kurop, Marcia Christoff. "Al Qaeda´s Balkan Links." Wall Street Journal Europe (2001).
Wood, Nicholas. "Amnesty and UN staff accuse Kosovo war crimes tribunal of ethnic bias." The Guardian (2001).
Rubinstein, Danny. "Analysis: Weapons Were Meant for Many Fighters." Ha’aretz (2001).
Shirriff, Ken. The Anarchist Cookbook FAQ., 2001.
Labenskiy, V.B.. "Applying of correlation-regression analysis for tasks planning in rocket-space industry." Problems of Control and Informatics 4 (2001).
Risso, Fulvio, and Loris Degioanni. An Architecture for High Performance Network Analysis In 6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. Hammamet, Tunisia, 2001.
Arguments for NATO Expansion & Rebuttals. Council for a Livable World Education Fund, 2001.
Barzilai, Amnon, Daniel Sobelman, and Amira Hass. "Arms Boat Made Three Visits to Gaza." Ha’aretz (2001).
Jean, Carlo. "Arms Control in Transition: Building a New Security Order." In The Future of Arms Control Agenda, 120. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Colton, Trevor. "The Army Synthetic Environment." In SimTecT. Canberra, Australia, 2001.
Trubachev, A.P.. Assessment Security of Information Technology . Moscow: SIP RIA, 2001.
