

Nanotechnology and Global Security

Nanotechnology enables new solutions with numerous civilian and military applications. This paper provides an introduction to nano­technology as a strategic research and industry field, presents trends with key potential impact and examines related...

Nanotechnology and Global Security

Nanotechnology enables new solutions with numerous civilian and military applications. This paper provides an introduction to nano­technology as a strategic research and industry field, presents trends with key potential impact and examines related...

How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race

Cyber warfare is a critical component of nation states’ military arsenals, and a cyber arms race has emerged in the absence of interna­tional agreements (norms and confidence-building measures) to limit the use of cyber warfare. One key...

The Age of Post-Truth: State Influence and Strategic Communication - Contemporary Security Challenges on Europe’s Eastern Flank:

The role of strategic communication has changed in the context of Russia’s relations with its partners, including the West, the post-Soviet space and the Western Balkans since 2013 with the declaration of the close integration of communication with...

Hybrid War: High-tech, Information and Cyber Conflicts

This article examines the advanced technological, information and cyber components of hybrid war and the introduction of suggested countermeasures to counter information and cyber threats and attacks. The main hypothesis of the authors is that...

How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race

Cyber warfare is a critical component of nation states’ military arsenals, and a cyber arms race has emerged in the absence of interna­tional agreements (norms and confidence-building measures) to limit the use of cyber warfare. One key...

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